why can't french bulldogs breed naturally

They are smart, affectionate, and loyal companions. Dogs with squashed faces, known as brachycephalic dogs, are often unable to breed or give birth naturally due to their extreme anatomy: the animals' small hips can make mating difficult,. As VCA Animal Hospitals points out, a C section is always going to be a major surgical procedure. If French bulldogs cannot mate on their own in most cases and most go through artificial insemination, can they deliver their puppies? Since French bulldog puppies have big heads, vets often recommend performing a C-section surgery. The animal most at risk in the whole process is the mother, and the responsibility should not be taken lightly. Their biggest temperament issue is stubbornness. Additionally, C-sections can be expensive, so its important to consider all options before deciding on this type of delivery method for your pets litter. Further on, we will look at several factors and pieces of evidence that will support our answer. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Why Is Your Dog Losing Hair Under Their Armits? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. But here again, it is vital to prepare for a veterinarian-assisted whelping for the safety of your dog and her puppies. A basic overview of the French Bulldog Breeding Process for new breeders looking to breed a female Dam for the first time. French Bulldogs are a unique type of Bulldog that is known for their friendly, loving nature. You will need to hand-feed each puppy an appropriate puppy formula that your veterinarian recommends and stimulate them to potty after they eat. You know it's funny you ask that because we actually let our Bulldogs try it on their own the first time we bred them together. Most bulldog breeds can't have a natural birth. However, some bulldog breeds do not require c-sections and can have a natural birth. His newest dog is Augie the Frenchie. Progesterone helps to regulate a female's heat cycles and can also help the breeder predict with a very high degree of accuracy when the puppies will be ready to whelp. That's why copulation rarely happens and female French Bulldogs are impregnated through the process of Artificial Insemination, which is costly! Be sure to schedule any post-operation appointments that your Frenchie's veterinarian recommends. Then rub the puppy vigorously to help stimulate breathing and circulation. Not only is mating difficult for these adorable dogs, but so is birthing. She started her 2nd heat two weeks ago and I have had her in diapers. This is why it is so vital to prepare the at-home whelping area in full and in advance. They have short bodies with legs that are much longer than many other dogs. Helpful Products for Breeding Fren. They are actually descended from British bulldogs. AI is a great way to improve and ensure your dogs health. When the Industrial Revolution forced them out of Nottingham, they moved to France. Unfortunately, dogs with short tails are prone to develop a health condition called Hemivertebrae. For first-time pregnant female dogs, in particular, it can be hard to fully predict when they will go into labor. 20 Reasons Why French Bulldogs Are The Best Of All Pets; 9 Common Ways To Tire Out a Puppy At Home; 11 Tips On How To Tire Out a Jack . French bulldogs can't swim and they can't fly, either. It is always a great idea to ask family or friends to be available to help you during this time, especially if this is your first time breeding your French Bulldog. This makes it hard for males to mount females. Can French bulldogs mate on their own? Just as is the case with mating, French bulldogs have both narrow hips and large heads, which means that female dogs of the breed rarely go through a straightforward, natural labour and delivery, as this combination of physical traits makes it highly likely that the pups will get stuck in the birth canal. Because Frenchie dams have hips that are excessively small, it is extremely difficult for males to mount them. In other words, not all French bulldogs have very large heads, or very narrow waists. The trouble that the bitch and puppies go through is not something to be taken lightly. Although they can produce sperm at a much younger age than this, they shouldnt be bred young. But it isnt all that simple. Before we take a deeper look on the topic, lets define what we mean by breeding. As you may imagine, having a dog undergo a c-section is not something to be taken lightly. In fact, because of all the selective breeding that has happened over the years, these dogs can very rarely breed or mate naturally. When Should a C Section for French Bulldogs Be Scheduled? Some breeds of dogs in particular, such as English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, and Pugs, seem to be more prone to this behavior than others. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'frenchiejourney_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_6',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-frenchiejourney_com-medrectangle-3-0');The French Bulldog has long been recognized by its distinctive appearance, which includes a short body with legs longer than those of other breeds. #doghealthcare #doghealth #dogcare This has resulted in short legs, a compact body and narrow hips. To be honest they were completely clueless on how to do it. Anyone who is thinking of breeding French bulldogs needs to be aware of the cost implications. Once again, close breeding will result in more genetic problems and should be avoided at all cost. Some owners are allowed to be in the surgery suite, others are not. You should also bathe her frequently because her fur will get matted and stinky. Before you bring your pregnant dog home, you should prepare a shelter for her that is spacious enough to accommodate her litter. patches. In fact, nothing about the process of bringing a new litter of Frenchie puppies into this world is easy. AI has several advantages for dogs. Finally, AI helps reduce the number of dogs who are euthanized due to genetic disease. The reason why French Bulldogs cannot breed on their own is due to the way they have been bred. The only sure way to reduce the risk of losing the mother dog mid-whelp is to schedule a planned C section to deliver the puppies. You should feed her quality dog food that contains essential nutrients and vitamins that will support her and the baby. It is caused by uterine inertia, where the uterus can't contract. If some breeders choose to use artificial insemination to get their French Bulldogs pregnant, that's completely fine! Two days ago they mated and were tied. Additionally , some people may find breeding morally wrong due to ethical concerns related to animal rights . If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. However, there are some downsides to a C section delivery that is also important to know about whether you plan to breed your own French Bulldog or you are simply waiting for your Frenchie puppy to be born. Make sure your pet undergoes two different DNA tests. But this doesnt mean we should stop taking care of the lovable Frenchies. Yet another reason why most experienced French Bulldog breeders vastly prefer simply scheduling a planned C section for their pregnant females is because of what natural whelping can do to the canine uterus. Breeding any type of animal comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. I think you need to have a compatible pair to breed with and fortunately we have. Please dont take it lightly, though. The muscular lining can be weakened and may develop lesions or even tear. Since females shouldnt give birth naturally, they have Caesarion sections, or c-sections. French Bulldogs have small pelvises and large heads, so they usually cannot give birth naturally. Ironically, the French Bulldog breed originated in Jolly Old England. Of the dystocic cases, 48.6% required surgical delivery of the puppies (cesarean section) with the pain and stress that accompanies this major surgery.". So its important to carefully weigh both sides before deciding if this activity is right for you. She may even act aggressively towards her puppies because she was sedated for the operation and didn't bond with them during the birthing process. Copulation also leads to overheating, which can be quite dangerous. Unfortunately, they are also prone to genetic defects and health problems. If your French bulldog does have puppies naturally, it can be very dangerous for both the female and the litter. This is probably some of the reasons why breeders of French bulldogs claim that they have some impressive monetary value. Many vets will discourage owners from trying to breed their French bulldogs because of the risks it involves, even for the males. Your French Bulldog could give birth naturally but a natural labor is very rare, accounting for only 20% of all Frenchie pregnancies. Like I noted above, the answer to the question, can French Bulldogs mate on their own is both a yes and a no. Birthing can be very troublesome for Frenchies. What takes place during a French Bulldog's cesarean section. She came into heat just after Xmas and he caught her on the 27th and a few other times over the next few days, back to back every time and low and behold on the 28th of February she started whelping and between the hours of 3.45am and 9.15 she self whelped 5 beautiful girls. 10 Easy Steps To Potty Train Your French Bulldog. If you dont time it right, you could be wasting a lot of money. As the American Kennel Club (AKC) explains, learning how to read progesterone tests can help you avoid ending up with your dog at your veterinary clinic in the middle of the night in "emergency C section mode.". French Bulldogs were initially bred down from English Bulldogs, with their enormous heads, wide jaws, stocky builds, and broad shoulders with deep chests. This is because of the unique French Bulldog anatomy. Two Life-Threatening Complications of Pregnancy in French Bulldogs. Your French Bulldog new mother dog will need your help with pain management, disinfecting the wound site, moving about (and protecting the puppies from being crushed), starting to eat and drink again, going out to potty, taking medications, and general recovery. But her first and very most important job is as a dog auntie and cockatiel, tortoise, and box turtle mama. Hence, knowing the cost implication of Artificial insemination, and the risks involved even if you can . Its difficult for French Bulldogs to copulate because of their hips. Not only is giving birth naturally for French Bulldogs difficult, so is getting pregnant. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. They cant regulate their temperatures easily. Any puppies born could inherit genetic issues. Also Read:How Many Times Can a French Bulldog Have Puppies? One of the most common health problems these breeds can experience is linked to their short snouts and flat faces. The female French bulldog goes through a complicated process in order to give birth naturally, which involves opening wide to deliver a litter of pups. So if you're going over to say hi to the other breeder, keep your Dam far away. However, if a Frenchie requires an emergency cesarean section, the breeder may not have had time to limit her food and water intake, increasing the danger of her vomiting and choking during the procedure. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Primary one being their inability to mate naturally, and the secondary one is that giving birth also requires human's help. But breeding French Bulldogs is not easy. As we already mentioned, it is extremely rare for Frenchies to reproduce naturally. When Frenchies are bred, it is typically through artificial insemination. French Bulldogs have several unique anatomical features that make them different from other breeds of dogs. But French Bulldogs are surprisingly difficult to breed. There are some rare instances where French bulldogs have birthed as high as 7 puppies. Our frenchies mated 3 times, so im sure she is pregnant. Check in with your vet so that your Frenchie can get a general health screening. You cant simply leave two mature Frenchies in a room to do their thing. It also has a large head and ears, a flat nose, and a small mouth. Let us know what you think about this piece. Is it normal for the girl to bleed a bit after this? In conclusion, French bulldogs cannot give birth naturally because they dont have a uterus. French Bulldog breeders must consider the physical toll that a normal cesarean section can take on the mother dogs, as well as the physical pain associated with complications, such as dystocia. The goal of veterinarians performing this procedure is to minimize the amount of time the mother spends under anesthesia, which makes finding an experienced veterinarian who understands the importance of efficiency in this procedure crucial to the health of the mother and puppies. Properly caring for your pregnant French bulldog requires your full attention because any mistake can jeopardize the health of your pet and your baby. However, by reading this article, you should now be able to understand why they need to be bred. You should stop breeding female Frenchies when they reach eight years old. We hope this guide has helped you, thanks for reading! The Kennel Club (UK) states that dystocia is a condition that more commonly affects French Bulldog puppies than most other dog breeds. Now, youre probably thinking about the fact that French bulldogs do, in fact, exist. There are risks with natural births including the puppies getting stuck in the birth canal. The French bulldog is a smaller, distant relative of the English bulldog; while the two share some similarities, each breed has its own distinct . So if you read an account online of a French Bulldog "free whelping," it is quite possible that the dog comes from European bloodlines and has a different body structure that makes natural whelping easier and safer for her and her puppies. How long is a French Bulldog pregnant for? The dog comes in various small dog breeds, they are petite, lively and quirky-looking with big personalities, and have a fun-loving nature and very affectionate temperament. If you are making plans to acquire a French bulldog intending to have a litter, you have to make your enquiries right and ensure that the one you are getting is able to mate on their own and deliver their puppies or be prepared to undergo the process of artificial insemination with the attendant cost. But one thing that sets French Bulldogs apart from other breeds is their inability to give birth naturally. However, male French bulldogs also have to be sexually mature for breeding. The upper portion of their body above their forefeet are bigger than the lower portion. Breeding Frenchies is not done how you might expect. For this reason, veterinarians often recommend that the owner/breeder use a DAP (Adaptil) collar starting a few days prior to the C section date. They have become increasingly popular over the years, which has led to more and more breeding. And they claimed French Bulldogs cannot breed naturally as their anatomy has been distorted by years of in-breeding to the point they can't mate. Sometimes we learn this when we take X-rays between day 45 and 60 of a canine 63-day gestation period and find that the babies inside are way bigger than we expect (as happens often when the paternity is in question). No. Dystocia is the medical term that describes a difficult delivery due to the physical impossibility of passing the puppies through the birth canal naturally. However, the breeder still must be prepared to hand-feed and fully care for the puppies starting the moment they are born just in case the mother dog does not. They are very cute and loving dogs, but you cannot argue that they dont go through a lot. One of its ancestors was the English bulldog.Americans had been importing French Bulldogs for a while, but it was not until 1885 when they were brought over in order to set up an American-based breeding program. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Its vital to know what should and should not be done. While doing all this genetic testing, you should also find out if your pet is the result of two dogs that are closely related being bred. The reason lies in the Frenchie physique. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'frenchiejourney_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-frenchiejourney_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');Breeding Frenchies is not done how you might expect. The AKC's breed standard, or precise description of its ideal look, instructs that an English bulldog should have a "massive, short-faced head" and a lower jaw "projecting considerably in . They also have large ears that stand straight up on top of their heads like bat wings and a wrinkled face with folds around the eyes and muzzle. But according to a growing body of evidence, that distinctive bulldog look also leads to serious health problems for many . The dogs have breathing, skeletal, and skin problems, and . In fact, more than half a million puppies are born every year in North America alone. While some French Bulldog males can mate naturally, for the most part they are too stocky, legs not long enough and short backed to be able to adequately "reach" to breed the bitch. French Bulldog studs are mostly infertile due to low sperm count, which means female dogs need insemination to conceive. If you want to learn more about French Bulldog breeding, this is definitely the article for you. It may also be known as the English Bulldog or British Bulldog. Please dont take it lightly, though. The French bulldog (or Frenchie) is a sturdy, compact dog breed with a large head, short snout, and bat-like ears that was, of course, first bred in France. Yes, these dogs (usually) have all the working parts needed to reproduce, but it isnt that simple. Copulation can also lead to a Frenchie overheating. Vets have urged dog-lovers to think twice about buying squashed-faced dogs such as pugs and French bulldogs, after many would-be owners were found to be unaware of the health . Why Is My 12 Week Old Puppy Leaking Urine? The short face and smaller nose can make breathing difficult and less efficient.. If youre looking at adopting yourself one soon, use this book to help you care for your Frenchie. If you are certain that you want Frenchie puppies, you should:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'frenchiejourney_com-netboard-2','ezslot_22',144,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-frenchiejourney_com-netboard-2-0'); Female Frenchies will go through a lot during the whole process of breeding. Why Is My Bulldog Dreaming More Than Usual? This particular video starts with footage of the adorable French Bulldog puppies and then walks you through how the veterinarian delivered them during the C-section. This not only endangers the life of the puppies but is a very real danger to the life of the mother dog as well. As such, a smaller number of litter mates would mean better conditions for the puppies inside the womb. Female French bulldogs cannot give birth naturally, which means they will need the help of a veterinary team to reproduce. There was face humping, sideways belly humping and they would even walk away from each other and hump . There are a number of reasons that lead to the artificial breeding of french bulldogs. This is because their skull is short, flat, and wide, crowding their breathing passages and making them top-heavy. This is because of the physical characteristics of the animals. Learn More. Dan Weese 35 Posted August 23, 2013 0 Comments. She wriggled and burst into life. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'frenchiejourney_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_18',143,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-frenchiejourney_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); The answer? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Can French bulldogs give birth naturally? We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. French Bulldogs still make great companions. If you need to step in and care for your new French Bulldog puppies, this means you will essentially be the mother dog to the puppies for the next several weeks. The high price of a French Bulldog puppy is much easier to understand when you learn what has to happen to provide you with the puppy in the first place. This helps wit. French Bulldog History. They have slimmer hips compared to the upper portion of their body. Bulldog breeding groups adamantly oppose changes, arguing that irresponsible breeders are causing health issues for dogs. What breeders I am an avid pet enthusiast and currently work in the corporate world of pets. I cannot contest that here, check out the cost of French bulldogs, that tiny thing is probably more expensive than your car. Not to mention a very expensive one. Your Frenchie's first appointment will likely be 10 days after the procedure occurs. French bulldogs are naturally small breeds. According to Today's Veterinary Practice, French Bulldogs are more likely to suffer complications during birth than other breeds. Not only do you require a lot of time to be put aside for breeding French bulldogs, but also money. Their terrier roots brought in the By the female dog going through a c-section, she is unlikely to react to her puppies in a way that is expected. Most Bulldogs Can't Breed Naturally Their head has been bred to become larger over the years, and as a result these dogs cannot birth them naturally through the pelvic canal. Because of these numerous issues, it is critical to test your Frenchie before you try to breed them. On the other hand, breeding requires considerable financial investment as well as commitment from both owners involved. It is also important to stop any pest (flea, tick) medications one week prior to the C section date and to stop all food after the meal the evening prior to the procedure. Some countries favor a conformation in French Bulldogs that allows for longer legs and slimmer bodies and heads than what most American Frenchie fans are used to seeing. By over breeding them, you are not giving them a happy life. You won't have to look very long online before you will find some accounts of French Bulldogs giving birth naturally. You will need to keep them clean and warm and make sure they are safe at all times. The history of French bulldogs is an interesting one.

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