Want to talk about it? When the Organizational Structure is enabled in Autotask, this object describes an organizational structure Branch. window.open(uri); var uri = 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdw1y-_z7_O1tSWNFkiDliribqAz5IrqAiJJ6u2KsbEvICTqw/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.876121135=' + document.location.href; The function of this entity is to describe the default settings for fields associated with the specified ticket category. If an association is removed from a resource and that pairing is set as the default, that default is not removed. On the incidents, the Internal Notes are created as a reply to the Summary Notes. rev2023.3.3.43278. The Add New Attachments section is always collapsed. You can assign it to any resource and associate it with a Contract, Ticket, or Opportunity. Visit the Ideas forum! It describes whether a Product on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency for a Product Tier, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. Saves the note or time entry and opens a new dialog box. Invoices include Billing Items that have been approved and posted and are being billed to a customer or presented for information purposes only. If the Contract Service or Bundle is associated to an SLA, then use that ID. This entity's purpose is to describe a Country as defined in the Autotask CRM module. A Subscription creates recurring billing items for Assets when there is no need to track labor costs against subscription revenue; for example, when billing in installments. This entity's purpose is to describe a record of approval for a ticket change request. This entity's purpose is to describe a transaction where a specified quantity of a Purchase Order Item is 'received,' that is, debited from the Quantity value of the associated Purchase Order Item and added to the Quantity On Hand value of the Inventory Item. Within Autotask navigate to Homepage > Admin > Features & Settings; Tip - click the images to make them larger. From the main navigation menu click Admin/Features & Settings. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? It allows developers to use the API to implement multi-tier approval for Autotask time entries. The status field describes how close a ticket is to resolution, or how close a task is to completion. Wherever it is available, it tracks essential information about the record. You may also update UDFs for entity types that allow update and create. This entity is only used by multi-currency databases. , This field is editable for tickets whose ticket category is 'RMA.'. IMPORTANT The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. If you close without saving, the attachments will not be uploaded or attached to the parent entity. /*Configure automatic ticket creation for Workplace Manager - Datto window.open(uri); A Contract Rate is associated with a Role and is specific to a contract. . Want to talk about it? Autotask: Ticketing and Asset Tracking Integration [CDATA[*/ } 1. If it is selected, you can update the status of all incidents. When you use the APIto update this field, the RESTAPIwill return the text-only version of its content. If you edit a note or time entry that is associated with existing attachments, they appear in a separate Attachments section. If it is selected, the note is created with the Internal & Co-managed publish type. The Web Services API stores and returns all time data in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). In Autotask, you can create ticket categories that are identified as API-Only. If the current priority is inactive, update() is allowed if the Priority value is not changed, or if Priority is changed to an active value. The properties represent data fields. Thanks for your feedback. If the Contract is associated to an SLA, then use that ID. This entity's purpose is to describe a currency available for use with the Autotask multi-currency installed module. Provide feedback for the Documentation team, To retrieve more detailed information specific to a particular Autotask implementation, use the Web Services API call. The Administrative Email Address for Action-Required Notifications should be an email address that does not create tickets in your Autotask. Set up a mailbox in Autotask. This entity's purpose is to describe a modifier for a given Work Type BillingCode. If the time entry page is open for a long time, it is possible for the Status field to be changed by another user or a workflow rule. If you attempt to query these fields, you will receive an error message. A Department is an association the application can use to manage resources, especially when assigning project tasks. The allowed actions are specific to the field. Provide feedback for the Documentation team. Head on over to our Community Forum! Changes made to the Contract by using the ContractServiceBundleAdjustment entity affect only the quantity of Contract Service units. This entity contains tag associations for documents in Autotask. Any existing Change Request tickets can be edited. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The note will only be added to the incidents of problem tickets, not incidents of Change Request tickets. It is only available through the REST API. We're using Power Apps to capture information and then Flow passes it to Autotask, i can pull information using GET but unable to create anything. [CDATA[*/ This entity describes an Autotask Contract Rate. } It describes whether an Allocation Code of type Material Code on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. Resources receive assignment to one or more roles through their department and queue associations. import requests. This field is not filterable for tickets in the API. Autotask REST API resources Changes made to the Contract by using the ContractServiceAdjustment entity affect only the quantity of units. Adding or editing a note To open the page, use the path (s) in the Security and navigation section above. ExpenseItem.AccountID is updated and ExpenseItem.ProjectID, ExpenseItem.TaskID, or ExpenseItem.TicketID is set to Null. This object describes Autotask Assets (previously known as Configuration Items), other than the primary Assets (Ticket.configurationItemID). You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAPAPIcall. This entity's purpose is to describe an asset category. This entity represents articles created by Knowledgebase users in Autotask. This entity's purpose is to describe a Work Type billing (or allocation) code that has been excluded from a Contract. You use it to override your company's standard role rate for labor tracked against the contract. For String datatypes, the number in parentheses ( ) indicates the maximum number of characters allowed. On the Note dialog box or page, this check box is missing and the attachment inherits the setting of the note. The entity header identifies the parent entity the note or time entry is associated with. This entity describes time and completion data related to service level events tracked for a service level agreement associated with a ticket. Head on over to our Community Forum! Every attempt gives me a 500 server error. If no value is provided for Ticket.Source when a ticket is created via the API, the default Source value is returned on update. Field is cleared when ticket comes out of Waiting Customer status and is recalculated every time ticket goes back into Waiting Customer status. function SendLinkByMail(href) { This entity describes list items added to a check list on an Autotask ticket or task. The Status field is required on all tickets and project tasks, regardless of category. Click on Service Desk/Ticket Categories. ProblemTicketID cannot = TicketID of a ticket that is already associated with a ProblemTicketID; that is, an incident ticket already associated with a problem ticket cannot become a problem ticket. If a ticket is created or updated with a sub-issue type that is excluded from the associated contract, the ticket's ContractID will be updated to that of the exclusion contract, if it exists. Billable cost items appear in Approve and Post. SubIssueType is associated with an Issue and the available SubIssueType picklist items are specific to the associated IssueType. This entity contains attachments for the Opportunities entity. What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? For additional information, refer to. This entity represents ticket tag groups in Autotask. A WorkTypeModifier entity modifies a given Work Type BillingCode. This entity describes an Autotask Contract Block which represents a block of hours purchased for a Block Hour type Contract. How to connect Autotask + Microsoft Excel - Zapier Creating titles using key words will allow you to find notes later in lists and searches. You cannot create a ticket with TicketType = Problem and specify a ProblemTicket ID or specify ProblemTicketID for an existing Ticket with TicketType=Problem; that is, a ticket that is already a problem ticket cannot become an incident to another problem ticket. function SendLinkByMail(href) { It represents any organization with which you do business. The allowed actions are specific to the object. This entity's purpose is to describe a predecessor/successor arrangement between two project schedule items. This entity describes a transaction where a specified quantity of an InventoryProducts or an InventoryStockedItems entity is transferred from the items current InventoryLocation to a different InventoryLocation. If the Can edit Status of Complete tickets (does not apply to Autotask Web Services/API) permission is cleared for your security level, you can update the status of incomplete incidents. This entity describes an Autotask Inventory location, that is, a physical or virtual place where your company stores or assigns inventory items. This entity contains the attachments for the ProjectNotes entity. Enable the Allow Ticket Creation Without Configuration Items option only if you do not track all monitored computers as Autotask Configuration Items. The ArticlePlainTextContent entity contains the plain text version of body content held by a Knowledgebase article. For String datatypes, the number in parentheses ( ) indicates the maximum number of characters allowed. Provide feedback for the Documentation team. Once you have connected Powershell to Autotask (see my previous post for a howto), you can query, create and update everything that the API allows.In this post I will show you how to create a new ticket, but the method is the . About Autotask Integration and Configuration - WatchGuard Click on the context menu bar to the left of the Standard category the, click Edit. You can only create it; you cannot query or update it. Web Services is, however, aware of and will check existing multiple resources on a ticket and will not allow any resource to be assigned as primary resource if that resource is already a secondary resource. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 . Integration vendors The id field belongs to each entity and acts as the unique identifier. Setting Up the Autotask API Integration with CloudRadial Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Form templates follow the limitations of the currently applied category and the user's security settings. A SubscriptionPeriod stores the information for an individual billing period item associated with an Autotask Subscription. If it does not exist, the ContractIDwill be set to null. This entity's purpose is to describe a Resource - Role relationship. How do I connect these two faces together? Expand RESOURCES/USERS (HR) and click Resources/Users; Tip - click the images to make them larger. Have an idea for a new feature? /*]]>*/Want to tell us more? Notes published to All Autotask Users are visible to customers. Quote Items define a line item added to an Autotask Quote. If the ticket has no associated posted items and Ticket.AccountID is changed, any associated (non-posted) Contract, TimeEntries, or TicketCosts are set to Null, along with any Service or ServiceBundle items associated with the TimeEntries or TicketCosts. This entity describes an approved and posted billable item in Autotask. When updating a field that has Rich Text, the APIwill return the text-only version of the field. NOTE If the APIuser does not have the Contracts impersonation option enabled, it will be unable to specify custom values for the AttachedByContactIDand the CreatedByContactIDfields. Configure your support email address. Assets are products that are associated with a Company entity. This entity's purpose is to describe a note created by an Autotask user and associated with a Ticket entity. This entity describes a ticket category applied to tickets in Autotask to specify features and fields that appear on the ticket detail. [CDATA[*/ To complete the attachment process, you must save the note or time entry. Invoice templates define the appearance and content of an invoice generated by Autotask. Autotask now allows Role to be inactivated. window.open(uri); On entities like ticket, task, note, and to-do, the Description field is a core part of the data record. Such ticket categories are hidden everywhere you select a ticket category . To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. The function of this entity is to describe the Ticket History, which tracks changes to the fields of the ticket entity, as well as the fields of any Service Level Agreement associated with the ticket. This entity describes an Autotask Inventory module Purchase Order. This check box will only appear if the ticket to which the note or time entry is being added is a problem ticket with at least one incident. This entity describes one or more account contacts assigned to a Ticket, other than the Ticket Contact (Ticket.contactID). CreatorType specifies whether the CreatorResourceID refers to a Resource or a Contact. They can click New Ticket on the Autotask interface sub-navigation menu to open the New Ticket window. This entity contains the attachments for the ConfigurationItems entity. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This entity records existing associations between tags and Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. To retrieve more detailed information specific to a particular Autotask implementation, use the Web Services API call. If you want your integration users' names to show on the entity, follow these steps: This example adds an impersonated user to a request's headers. All text formatting and images will be lost. Can airtags be tracked from an iMac desktop, with no iPhone? Verify you support email. ConfigurationItemSslSubjectAlternativeName. [CDATA[*/ You can create additional mailboxes, but you won't be able to activate them. This entity contains the records for the Deleted Ticket Activity journal located in the Autotaskapplication at >Admin > Features and Settings > Projects & Tasks >Deleted Ticket Activity Log. Create a new record or update an existing record in your app. How do I align things in the following tabular environment? NOTE If Knowledgebase is enabled and the ticket is used to create a Knowledgebase article, the contents of the Resolution field appear in the article. ChangeApprovalBoard must reference an active Change Approval Board. I use the Powershell API to create tickets based on an Excel spreadsheet. Refer to Web Services APIsecurity settings. This entity contains the attachments for the TaskNotes entity. Although the data will remain intact and will be reportable, it will not be viewable in the ticket in Autotask. If ChangeApprovalStatus = Assigned, user can change it to Requested (only). Action. This entity's purpose is to describe a cost associated with an Autotask contract. The impersonated resource must have permission to act as configured in the other sections on the Edit Security Level page. LOB security is respected in the API. This entity contains the records for the Deleted Task Activity journal located in the Autotaskapplication at, This entity contains the records for the Deleted Ticket log located in the Autotaskapplication at. Incidents on Change Request tickets will not be updated. var uri = 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdw1y-_z7_O1tSWNFkiDliribqAz5IrqAiJJ6u2KsbEvICTqw/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.876121135=' + document.location.href; What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? The Note Type field defaults to Task Summary. If you open this dialog box or page from the Edit [Entity] page, the section containing this field will not appear, and this field will not be editable. This entity's purpose is to describe a group of Service entity items that are priced and billed as one component of Recurring Service type contract. When a SubIssueType value is provided, the associated IssueType value must also be provided. ServiceLevelAgreementPausedNextEventHours (read only) is calculated as the time differential between the most recent time the ticket status changed to Waiting Customer and the time of the next SLA target. Autotask users manage Tickets through a number of modules including Service Desk, Home, CRM, and Contracts.
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