osha conveyor safety 1910

It would normally be preferable to limit the adjustment of the time required in paragraph (h)(6)(vi) to a maximum of 15 seconds. (2) Lockouts. (2) The opening in the table shall be kept as small as possible. ANSI B20.1-1976 was an extensive revision from the 1957 code. Expanded metal, sheet or perforated metal, and wire mesh shall be securely fastened to frame. We recommend you directly contact the agency responsible for the content in question. 1910.1200 Hazard communication. Under this provision, a catwalk or runway must be at least 18 inches wide. Subpart O - Machinery and Machine Guarding. (58) Unitized tooling means a type of die in which the upper and lower members are incorporated into a selfcontained unit so arranged as to hold the die members in alignment. The certification/validation process shall verify that the safety system complies with the OSHA safety requirements as follows: 1. 3. The hood and mounting shall be arranged so that the hood will automatically adjust itself to the thickness of and remain in contact with the material being cut but it shall not offer any considerable resistance to insertion of material to saw or to passage of the material being sawed. (i) The point of operation of presses operated in the PSDI mode shall be safeguarded in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section, except that the safety distance requirements of paragraph (h)(9)(v) of this section shall be used for PSDI operation. (ii) All metal should be free from burrs and sharp edges. (14) Abrasive wheel means a cutting tool consisting of abrasive grains held together by organic or inorganic bonds. Appendix B to Subpart I of Part 1910Nonmandatory Compliance Guidelines for Hazard Assessment and Personal Protective Equipment Selection The Type 27 A Wheel is mounted between flat non-relieved flanges of equal bearing surfaces. Part 1910 Previous Next Top Enhanced Content The complete text of this part is too large to display all at once. Toeboards shall be four (4) inches or more in height, of wood, metal, or of metal grill not exceeding one (1) inch mesh. Tests which are conducted by the manufacturers of electrical components to establish stress, life, temperature and loading limits must be tests which are in compliance with the provisions of the National Electrical Code. 1. (12) Safety guard means an enclosure designed to restrain the pieces of the grinding wheel and furnish all possible protection in the event that the wheel is broken in operation. Public review and comment period. (32) Guard means a barrier that prevents entry of the operator's hands or fingers into the point of operation. (43) Operator's station means the complete complement of controls used by or available to an operator on a given operation for stroking the press. (ii) Safety triprod. (1) Guards. 14, 1988; 54 FR 24333, June 7, 1989; 61 FR 9240, Mar. b. Only part revolution type mechanical power presses are approved for PSDI. 1910.6 Incorporation by reference. On the completion of such operations, the spreader shall be immediately replaced. On both sides of the calender and near each end of the face of the roll, there shall be a cable or wire center cord connected to the safety trip. While the employer is responsible for assuring that the certification/validation requirements in 1910.217(h)(11) are fulfilled, the design certification of PSDI safety systems may be initiated by manufacturers, employers, and/or their representatives. (5) Flywheels include flywheels, balance wheels, and flywheel pulleys mounted and revolving on crankshaft of engine or other shafting. Minor modifications not affecting the safety of the system may be made by the manufacturer without revalidation. 1910.159 Automatic sprinkler systems. All mechanical power transmission apparatus located in basements, towers, and rooms used exclusively for power transmission equipment shall be guarded in accordance with this section, except that the requirements for safeguarding belts, pulleys, and shafting need not be complied with when the following requirements are met: (i) The basement, tower, or room occupied by transmission equipment is locked against unauthorized entrance. 1910.1013 beta-Propiolactone. The manufacturer shall design a test(s) to establish the hand tool extension diameters allowed for variations in minimum object sensitivity response. If such a guard is constructed of sheet metal, the material used shall be not less than one-sixteenth inch in thickness; and if cast iron is used, it shall not be less than three-sixteenths inch in thickness. The most recent records shall be made available to OSHA upon request. The third-party validation organization shall have legal authority to perform certification/validation activities. The certifications are made to the validation organization. Blotters need not be used with the following types of wheels: (ii) Abrasive discs (inserted nut, inserted washer, and projecting-stud type). (4) Type 11 flaring cup wheels mean wheels having double diameter dimensions D and J, and in addition have thickness, hole size, rim and back thickness dimensions. Control components shall be selected, constructed, and connected together in such a way as to withstand expected operational and environmental stresses, at least including those outlined in appendix A. Where guard is exposed to contact with moving equipment additional strength may be necessary. (7) Nip-point belt and pulley guard means a device which encloses the pulley and is provided with rounded or rolled edge slots through which the belt passes. 1910.169 Air receivers. (B) After a press has been equipped with a safety system whose design has been certified and validated in accordance with paragraph (h)(11)(i) of this section, the safety system installation shall be certified by the employer, and then shall be validated by an OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization to meet all applicable requirements of paragraphs (a) through (h) and appendix A of this section. Die keys and shims shall be made from a grade of material that will not unduly crack or splinter. Blanking of the sensing field is not permitted. (ii) The operating levers on hand-tripped presses having more than one operating station shall be interlocked to prevent the tripping of the press except by the concurrent use of all levers. When mounting wheels which have not been cemented together, or ones which do not utilize separating spacers, care must be exercised to use wheels specially manufactured for that purpose. If you would like to comment on the current content, please use the 'Content Feedback' button below for instructions on contacting the issuing agency. A notification of the final decision shall be published in the Federal Register. Side grinding wheel having a wall flared or tapered outward from the back. 1. will bring you to those results. (2) Each swing cutoff saw shall be provided with an effective device to return the saw automatically to the back of the table when released at any point of its travel. The renewal request will be processed in accordance with subsection I.B. (See Figures O-16 and O-17. Compliance with 1910.217(h)(2)(ii). (2) Where an exhaust system is used, the guards shall form part or all of the exhaust hood and shall be constructed of metal of a thickness not less than that specified in paragraph (h)(1) of this section. 1910.111 Storage and handling of anhydrous ammonia. 1 CFR 1.1 (29) Manual feeding means feeding wherein the material or part being processed is handled by the operator on each stroke of the press. (iv) Personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, aprons, and other items) shall be worn. This subparagraph does not apply to manually operated sprockets. (2) General requirements for machine guards. (3) All double-spindle shapers shall be provided with a spindle starting and stopping device for each spindle. The basement, tower, or room occupied by transmission equipment is locked against unauthorized entrance. Examples: board hammers and air-lift hammers. 1910.308 Special systems. The dates of the period of recognition will be stated in the recognition letter. (4) Exposed to contact means that the location of an object is such that a person is likely to come into contact with it and be injured. (62) Safety system means the integrated total system, including the pertinent elements of the press, the controls, the safeguarding and any required supplemental safeguarding, and their interfaces with the operator, and the environment, designed, constructed and arranged to operate together as a unit, such that a single failure or single operating error will not cause injury to personnel due to point of operation hazards. 1910.502 Healthcare. of this appendix, above, not less than 180 calendar days, nor more than one year, before the expiration date of its current recognition. (vi) Equipment shall be kept clean, particularly from accumulations of yellow lead oxide. The application shall provide information demonstrating that it and any validating laboratory utilized meet the qualifications set forth in section II of this appendix. This is especially true of wheel-sleeve or adaptor flanges. The safety guard shall be mounted so as to maintain proper alignment with the wheel, and the strength of the fastenings shall exceed the strength of the guard, except: (i) Safety guards on all operations where the work provides a suitable measure of protection to the operator, may be so constructed that the spindle end, nut, and outer flange are exposed; and where the nature of the work is such as to entirely cover the side of the wheel, the side covers of the guard may be omitted; and. All power-transmission equipment shall be inspected at intervals not exceeding 60 days and be kept in good working condition at all times. 1910.178 Powered industrial trucks. (ii) A pad with a nonslip contact area shall be firmly attached to the pedal. 39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, unless otherwise noted. (4) Power controls and operating controls should be located within easy reach of the operator while he is at his regular work location, making it unnecessary for him to reach over the cutter to make adjustments. The manufacturer shall submit to the validation organization the technical analysis such as Hazard Analysis, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Stress Analysis, Component and Material Selection Analysis, Fluid Compatability, and/or other analyses which may be necessary to demonstrate, compliance with the following requirements: Sections 1910.217(h)(8) (i) and (ii); (h)(2) (ii) and (iii); (h)(3)(i) (A) and (C), and (ii); (h)(5) (i), (ii) and (iii); (h)(6) (i), (iii), (iv), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xiii), (xiv), (xv), (xvi), and (xvii); (h)(7) (i) and (ii); (h)(9) (iv), (v), (viii), (ix) and (x); (h)(10) (i) and (ii). Where brake springs are externally accessible, lock nuts or other means may be provided to reduce the possibility of backing off of the compression nut which holds the springs in place. (7) Power-driven guillotine veneer cutters, other than continuous trimmers, shall be provided, in addition to the brake or other stopping mechanism, with an emergency device which will prevent the machine from operating in the event of failure of the brake when the starting mechanism is in the nonstarting position. (1) The employer shall report, within 30 days of the occurrence, all point-of-operation injuries to operators or other employees to either the Director of the Directorate of Standards and Guidance at OSHA, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC 20210 or electronically at http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/mechanical.html; or to the State Agency administering a plan approved by the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health. The diameter of circular shaper guards shall be not less than the greatest diameter of the cutter. It is recommended that old installations be changed to conform to this rule. (4) Hangers. Machinery shall be oiled when not in motion, wherever possible. Friction brakes provided for stopping or holding a slide movement shall be inherently self-engaging by requiring power or force from an external source to cause disengagement. 1910.12 Construction work. (xiv) The clutch/brake control shall automatically deactivate in event of failure of the counterbalance(s) air supply. Such tools shall not be in lieu of other guarding required by this section, but can only be used to supplement protection provided. (b) A Type B gate or movable barrier device shall protect the operator in the manner specified in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(g) of this section. (3) Vibration of 45G for one millisecond per stroke when the item is to be mounted on the press frame. (1) Safety trip control. (1) Feed rolls of self-feed sanding machines shall be protected with a semicylindrical guard to prevent the hands of the operator from coming in contact with the in-running rolls at any point. (1) General requirements. ), (9) Exposure adjustment. General. 1910.16 Longshoring and marine terminals. 1910.440 Recordkeeping requirements. (16) Sweep device means a single or double arm (rod) attached to the upper die or slide of the press and designed to move the operator's hands to a safe position as the dies close, if the operator's hands are inadvertently within the point of operation. Showing adjustable tongue giving required angular protection for all sizes of wheel used. (1) All portions of the saw blade shall be enclosed or guarded, except for the working portion of the blade between the bottom of the guide rolls and the table. 3. single strand V-belts, the width of which is thirteen thirty-seconds (1332) inch or less. (2) Saws. Blocks or wedges shall be made of material the strength and construction of which should meet or exceed the specifications and dimensions shown in Table O-11. 1910.30 Training requirements. The certification/validation process shall utilize an independent third-party validation organization recognized by OSHA in accordance with the requirements specified in appendix C of this section. 1910.1450 Occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals in laboratories. 1910.158 Standpipe and hose systems. Gears shall be guarded in accordance with one of the following methods: (ii) By a standard guard as described in paragraph (o) of this section, at least seven (7) feet high extending six (6) inches above the mesh point of the gears; or. (c) The device shall be constructed so that a failure within the system does not prevent the normal stopping action from being applied to the press when required, but does prevent the initiation of a successive stroke until the failure is corrected. [57 FR 42389, Sept. 14, 1992; 58 FR 4549, Jan. 14, 1993; 58 FR 35308, June 30, 1993; 59 FR 4437, Jan. 31, 1994; 59 FR 36695, July 19, 1994; 59 FR 51672, Oct. 12, 1994; 61 FR 5507, Feb. 13, 1996; 61 FR 9227, March 7, 1996; 61 FR 31427, June 20, 1996; 62 FR 1493, Jan. 10, 1997; 62 FR 42666, Aug. 8, 1997; 62 FR 48175, Sept. 15, 1997; 62 FR 66275, Dec. 18, 1997; 63 FR 1152, Jan. 8, 1998; 63 FR 13338, March 19, 1998; 63 FR 17093, April 8, 1998; 63 FR 20098, April 23, 1998; 63 FR 33450, June 18, 1998; 63 FR 66270, Dec. 1, 1998; 64 FR 13908, March 23, 1999; 65 FR 46818, July 31, 2000; 68 FR 32638, June 2, 2003; 68 FR 75780, Dec. 31, 2003; 71 FR 10374, Feb. 28, 2006; 76 FR 33606, June 8, 2011; 77 FR 17765, March 26, 2012; 81 FR 48710, July 26, 2016; 81 FR 60272, September 1, 2016; 81 FR 82981, Nov. 18, 2016; 82 FR 31253, July 6, 2017; 83 FR 9702, March 7, 2018], Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Outreach Training Program (10- and 30-hour Cards), OSHA Training Institute Education Centers, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance. Where tools are used for feeding, removal of scrap, lubrication of parts, or removal of parts that stick on the die in PSDI operations: (A) The minimum diameter of the tool handle extension shall be greater than the minimum object sensitivity of the presence sensing device(s) used to initiate press strokes; or. 7, 1996; 69 FR 31882, June 8, 2004]. A hearing will be granted to an objecting member of the public if evidence of failure to meet the requirements of this appendix is supplied to OSHA. Type 1 wheels shall be mounted between flanges. (10) Counterbalance means the mechanism that is used to balance or support the weight of the connecting rods, slide, and slide attachments. Displaying title 29, up to date as of 3/02/2023. All surrounding floors shall be kept in good condition and free from obstructions, grease, oil, and water. (v) The employer shall notify the OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization within five days whenever a component or a subsystem of the safety system fails or modifications are made which may affect the safety of the system. (12) Upsetters (or forging machines, or headers) type of forging equipment, related to the mechanical press, in which the main forming energy is applied horizontally to the workpiece which is gripped and held by prior action of the dies. Paragraph (f)(1) of this section does not apply to hand-operated gears used only to adjust machine parts and which do not continue to move after hand power is removed. b. When dies are being changed or maintenance is being performed on the press, the following shall be accomplished: (i) The hydraulic pumps and power apparatus shall be locked out. The test report shall be signed by a technical staff representative and the Technical Director. Subpart O: Machinery and Machine Guarding, OSHA 1910 General Industry | UpCodes Subpart O Machinery and Machine Guarding Authority: 29 U.S.C. here. (61) Presence sensing device initiation means an operating mode of indirect manual initiation of a single stroke by a presence sensing device when it senses that work motions of the operator, related to feeding and/or removing parts, are completed and all parts of the operator's body or hand tools are safely clear of the point of operation. (d) Fluid compatability with other materials, (d) Material stress tolerances and limits, (e) Stability to long term power fluctuations, (g) Repeatability of measured parameter without inadvertent initiation of a press stroke, (h) Operational life of components in cycles, hours, or both, (1) Specific operational wave lengths; and. Belt shifters, clutches, shippers, poles, perches, and fasteners -. All mechanical power transmission apparatus located in basements, towers, and rooms used exclusively for power transmission equipment shall be guarded in accordance with this section, except that the requirements for safeguarding belts, pulleys, and shafting need not be complied with when the following requirements are met: The intensity of illumination conforms to the requirements of ANSI A11.1-1965 (R-1970), which is incorporated by reference as specified in 1910.6. (1) Inspection. (2) Vertical and inclined belts (paragraphs (e) (3) and (4) of this section) if not more than two and one-half (212) inches wide and running at a speed of less than one thousand (1,000) feet per minute, and if free from metal lacings or fastenings may be guarded with a nip-point belt and pulley guard. (iii) Special Revolving Cup Guards which mount behind the wheel and turn with it. The records shall include the manufacture and model number of each component and subsystem, the calculations of the safety distance as required by paragraph (h)(9)(v) of this section, and the stopping time measurements required by paragraph (h)(2)(ii) of this section. Belt perches. Openings for oiling. 1910.1 Purpose and scope. Failure to observe these rules might cause excessive flange pressure around the hole of the wheel. Preliminary decision by Assistant Secretary. Cup wheels (Types 6 and 11) shall be protected by: (i) Safety guards as specified in paragraphs (b) (1) through (10) of this section; (ii) Band type guards as specified in paragraph (b)(11) of this section; and. (3) New Design Certification/Validation. (6) Emphasis is placed upon the importance of maintaining cleanliness around woodworking machinery, particularly as regards the effective functioning of guards and the prevention of fire hazards in switch enclosures, bearings, and motors. 4. These tests shall specify the acceptable tolerance band sufficient to assure that tolerance build-up will not render the safety distance unsafe. The stop control shall override any other control, and reactuation of the clutch shall require use of the operating (tripping) means which has been selected. 1910.156 Fire brigades. (1) Machine guarding. site when drafting amendatory language for Federal regulations: The materials and dimensions specified in this paragraph shall apply to all guards, except horizontal overhead belts, rope, cable, or chain guards more than seven (7) feet above floor, or platform. The sides of the lower exposed portion of the blade shall be guarded to the full diameter of the blade by a device that will automatically adjust itself to the thickness of the stock and remain in contact with stock being cut to give maximum protection possible for the operation being performed. (1) Bite means the nip point between any two inrunning rolls. (iii) Means shall be provided for disconnecting the power to the machine and for locking out or rendering cycling controls inoperable. The certification record shall be made available upon request to the Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health. (B) The safety distance shall be checked for compliance with (h)(9)(v) of this section. Pulleys with cracks, or pieces broken out of rims, shall not be used. To accomplish this, the machine spindle shall be made to nominal (standard) size plus zero minus .002 inch, and the wheel hole shall be made suitably oversize to assure safety clearance under the conditions of operating heat and pressure. A summary of part level content is listed below followed by the table of contents, where you can drill down further. Appendix A to Subpart I of Part 1910References for Further Information (Non-mandatory) 1910.1000 Air contaminants. (a) When used in press operations requiring more than one operator, separate two hand controls shall be provided for each operator, and shall be designed to require concurrent application of all operators' controls to activate the slide. The application, supporting documents, staff recommendation, statement of applicant's reasons, and any comments received, will be available for public inspection in the OSHA Docket Office. (iv) Periodic inspections of clutch and brake mechanisms shall be performed to assure they are in proper operating condition. (f) It shall offer maximum visibility of the point of operation consistent with the other requirements. If the supplemental guards are moved, the presence sensing device would become misaligned and the press control would be deactivated. 1910.38 Emergency action plans. Guarding vertical and inclined shafting. (8) Surface feet per minute (s.f.p.m.) [Reserved] (1) Inspection and maintenance records. Instructions for use of the test rod shall be noted on a label affixed to the presence sensing device. This exposure shall begin at a point not more than 65 above the horizontal plane of the wheel spindle. These devices shall be long enough to enable a man to reach the full length of the die without placing his hand or arm between the dies. While it is permitted to use signs to warn people of hazards in addition to those listed in this area, other accident prevention signs and tags can't have the same design and appearance. (3) Steam hammers mean a type of drop hammer where the ram is raised for each stroke by a double-action steam cylinder and the energy delivered to the workpiece is supplied by the velocity and weight of the ram and attached upper die driven downward by steam pressure. (pounds per square inch) or greater. (A) Where presses that have slide counterbalance systems are used in the PSDI mode, the counterbalance system shall also meet the requirements of paragraph (b)(9) of this section. (15) Pull-out device means a mechanism attached to the operator's hands and connected to the upper die or slide of the press, that is designed, when properly adjusted, to withdraw the operator's hands as the dies close, if the operator's hands are inadvertently within the point of operation. Grade 32510. (See Figures O-8 and O-9. (See paragraph (d)(5) of this section.). Conveyor safety hazards are varied, and the most common type is contact with the moving belt or other parts. (3) Cylinder draining. Guards for horizontal overhead belts shall run the entire length of the belt and follow the line of the pulley to the ceiling or be carried to the nearest wall, thus enclosing the belt effectively. 1910.335 Safeguards for personnel protection. (34) Fixed barrier guard means a die space barrier attached to the press frame. Conveyors are safe when used correctly, but they can be dangerous, and even deadly, if workers fail to follow safety procedures when working on or around them. (6) Maintenance runway means any permanent runway or platform used for oiling, maintenance, running adjustment, or repair work, but not for passageway. (xii) The clutch/brake control shall incorporate an automatic means to prevent initiation or continued activation of the Single Stroke or Continuous functions unless the press drive motor is energized and in the forward direction. The validation organization's validating laboratory shall have available all testing facilities and necessary test and inspection equipment relevant to the validation of the certification of PSDI safety systems, installations and operations. (1) This section covers all types and shapes of power-transmission belts, except the following when operating at two hundred and fifty (250) feet per minute or less: (i) Flat belts one (1) inch or less in width. Steam or air piping shall conform to the specifications of American National Standard ANSI B31.1.0-1967, Power Piping with Addenda issued before April 28, 1971, which is incorporated by reference as specified in 1910.6. 1910.23 Ladders. This portion of the guard shall be self-adjusting to raise and lower with the guide. This is an automated process for is available with paragraph structure matching the official CFR See paragraph (c) of 1910.215 for full description. The guarding device shall be in conformity with any appropriate standards therefor, or, in the absence of applicable specific standards, shall be so designed and constructed as to prevent the operator from having any part of his body in the danger zone during the operating cycle. (vii) Material handling equipment shall be of adequate strength, size, and dimension to handle diesetting operations safely. A positive-type lockout device for disconnecting the power to the shear shall be provided. Where guard is exposed to contact with moving equipment additional strength may be necessary. When repairing or cleaning a conveyor, all equipment must be locked or blocked and operating controls tagged. (i) The pedal mechanism shall be protected to prevent unintended operation from falling or moving objects or by accidental stepping onto the pedal. b. (1) Each circular hand-fed ripsaw shall be guarded by a hood which shall completely enclose that portion of the saw above the table and that portion of the saw above the material being cut. (2) Foot operated devices. (2) Guard design. 1910.1047 Ethylene oxide. All manually operated valves and switches shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. (i) Guardrail shall be forty-two (42) inches in height, with midrail between top rail and floor. (3) Sprockets and chains. (3) For combination or universal woodworking machines each point of operation of any tool shall be guarded as required for such a tool in a separate machine.

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