how many tourists have gone missing in panama

I agree with you that what happened is not some misadventure. In Central America, dogs arent usually seen as something to protect and cuddle. Looking carefully at her forehead you can see theres only the shade from a pole but her face is shaded. Over four days, 77 separate attempts had been made to call the cops - using the emergency numbers in both the Netherlands and in Panama. Indeed it does not even accidentally appear. They took the dog with them on the walk and it came back the next morning but they didnt there had to have been some clues maybe like how far could the dog have gone and still find its way back home? There is much speculation about the night time fotos made using the Cannon. A lot of times countries dont want investigations to be publicized or they shut them down as best they can in order for their tourist trade to not be hurt!!!!! I could be wrong, but until I see some compelling evidence to the contrary, Im sticking with Juans theory. 3. I lean towards the third-party theory although I recognize the conflicting aspects of that theory. perhaps there is much that was missed by a very bungled police investigation. I have seen some gruesome stuff where a captor will smash the feet of a captive to prevent escape. Yes, you are right that a great deal of caution is necessary. Surely they would put them back on if only for a little insulation. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. Is there a particular name, symbol or color associated with the gang? I do not think this case fits the criteria of missing 411. The picture just before this one appears to be higher in elevation, meaning that from the direction they were coming, a pit trap being place around this area could/would be ideal. Many cold cases have been solved years later. I think Juan is actively trying to protect this human trafficking agency. It is a suicide decision and they, experienced travellers, know that. The jungle was searched for another ten days with the help of the cops from the Netherlands - but there was no sign of the girls. In fact, Im almost certain of it. Police searches have found nothing and now his mother is flying out to try to find him. Many of the leads were simply not followed fingerprints, interviewing key suspects, identifying the precise location where evidence was discovered, etc. It isnt a cave, somebody has shown in a youtube video that it us just a very deep path on the wrong side of the mountain with a sharp turn. This backpack suddenly showed up 2 months after the disappearing. So, their work was good but not perfect. Most fingers seem to point to the Panama authorities, who have also been blamed for a poor initial search in the immediate days after the disappearance. In other pictures of her crossing water she is clearly dirty with her hair up. There is one thing I have wondered about, when did the dog leave them? I wanted to share this article from a big newspaper in Panama. What we do know is for 5 days after they disappeared, her phone was checked about a dozen times. As soon as I zoomed in, my heart sank for her. Heres what I think happened. Watch Lost in the Wild Season 1 Episode 1. The 2020 cristian massacre was committed by a couple of men who were definitively altered in their state and heard voices etc. A man and a woman. Where are those Pings? It is possible for incompetence to work in conjunction with interests to protect key industries. I wish I had them as actual photographs that I could shuffle around until I can place them in the order in which I think they were taken. Government corruption is the core of the problem. I suppose incompetence runs at many levels. Very interesting.. There are vast cultural differences to account for, especially between men and women. These other comments are just people seeing what they want to see, to make things more mysterious. This tribe was not located near the area where Kris and Lisanne disappeared, and therefore, in no way can be connected to the disappearance of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon. I agree with you. Whatever happened I believe was not from a man following them. Im starting to think the girls were lured to Panama by some kind of human trafficking organization that might even be run out of the Netherlands. The supporting pole is diagonal from upper right to lower middle indicating the path is beginning to head down. Thats from her palm. The timeline could have been enhanced with this info. I think it would be a mistake to assume Lisanne knew her friends password. Im sure removal of the comment was justified, but in considering all possibilities Im curious if there was there any insight offered? Maybe one girl regained consciousness at night and took the pictures. Therefore, if Kris Kremers is normal and happy, as she appears to be in this photo (and in the other photos in the series), it means that things took a bad turn for them relatively soon after the photo above was taken. In the days following the students' disappearances, authorities conducted footand aerial searches. Someone watched them swimming. The world may never know what happened to the pair, but speculation still runs wild. Haha., Actually heres uncompressed upscaled original image (upscaled and color corrected with AI). Weird. His family told Fox News that he had been traveling by himself and he was in good health. So sad what happened to them today is the first Ive heard of the story and its wildly upsetting. Thanks and cheers. Why no video diary? Seriously? The backpack and all the contents are so confusing. There is, of course, the possibility that they might have agreed to share passwords considering that a remote wilderness could present an emergency that might result in a combination of one of them losing her phone while the other was too incapacitated to work hers. Sometimes I refer back to the Story of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon, the two girls that made international headlines in 2014 when they disappeared in the northwest region of Panama. It is almost as if they are deliberately not to tell anything rather than the much speculated something. If you look closely at the top left part of this photo, you can see that, behind all the criss-crossed twigs and branches, there is a bank of rock. . Looks like 2 blurred out people one talker than other behind her over her left shoulder or her left when looking left of pic. It also contained Lisanne's camera and both of their phones. Rights of initiation? Dogs are very independent here. Sorry Chris, having re-read what you said at the beginning of your article and having stared at the photo a for a bit longer, I can definitely see the corner of a kind of pitched, thatched roof of a what looks like a man-made hut. This would cover natural causes and the rucksack contents being in perfect condition. Hence the bras and everything safely stacked in the backpack together both girls sunglasses and both girls phones (otherwise each girl would be carrying her own phone). She has no idea that her parents are about to arrive in Panama. However, if this photo showed that someone had hit her, why would the culprit not delete it along with photo 509. I believe that by the time this photo was taken, the situation has gone sideways. The 29-year-old from Stockport vanished on 14 August near a beauty spot in Panama. If it is not possible to join those two points together then that would at least shine light on the possibility that a third party was involved at some point leading to the appauling possibility that they genuinely were lost for some time (until the 5th?) Yes, this was taken after their photos at the Mirador. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. The first thing that strikes me as very odd in this photograph and I think I havent seen anyone pointing that out yet -, is a specific number. (this was enhanced by an AI as someone who has studied this sort of thing professionally, explains some of the distortions and weird patterns in the photos leaves and vines, the AI distorted her face lol and it made it appear she has no arm from the elbow down). Let me dampen the third party argument by asking IF their end was at the hands of another personwhy not simply bury the rucksack rather than all the elaborate need for photoshopping and phones used in the hands of a third party ? But, then again this whole case is pretty unbelievable whether you believe they did or didnt meet foul play. Terrible for the parents. What do you think?? Most travelers that have big experiences want to remember the small details of trips, because the trip represents an important memory in their life. I read that the dog returned to town in the evening, alone, but I havent seen it in any pictures. The remains of two American women who went missing after their plane crashed off the coast of Panama a month ago have been . I think that she has her hand to her ear,she looks like she is trying to hear what someone is saying,and also,the light is in her eyes;.It looks like she has twisted herself around in doing so. And look at it from this point of view. Thanks for your comment. Also, people do not give off a rosy glow from their backs, as can be seen here. Blue, a dog known throughout the community, reportedly followed them along the trail. I am from Panama, and I know that there are way more dangerous drug and crime cartels active in remote parts of the country than officials want to admit to because the tourism would be affected. Photo #509 was permanently deleted which takes advanced technical knowledge, plus a computer. We have no way of knowing if somebody tried to unlock the phone but failed. Then there are no images until April 8, when 90 unsettling nighttime pictures were taken with flash in the middle of the jungle with timestamps between 1:00 and 4:00 AM. They didnt take anything with them for more than 1 or 2 hours max journey. Tourists are usually only targeted when something goes wrong or someone has a specific personal problem with foreigners or a subset of foreigners. We usually permit our commenters to publish links to external material, and you are welcome to do the same. Hi Chris, Very interested in your website! Ive met a few people that have maintained their pet in the same way as we do in the USA. ), which doesnt look natural. There is no traces of them anywhere. The next morning, on April 2nd, a substantial earthquake of magnitude 6.0 hits Panama at 11:13 AM. Ive just watched a video on YouTube.. An unusual one.. A psychic reading actually.. Thanks for some new information, excellent analysis of the photo! Hello Chris, did you ever get any background on the statements made by Joseph? As well as lots of other things It shows her right arm more clearly and it looks as though there is something square where you would expect her right elbow to be strange. Numerous families of disappeared family members have contacted me from my writing and the following is nearly always the sentiment they convey: Local authorities are unreliable, careless, slow to respond, even slower to take action, and they often hinder the familys own investigations. These are more unanswered questions that we may never know. Or perhaps its an offshoot from the trail along a natural gully that leads to a dead-end? It may be a plant, but it appears to have a definitive shape and its oddly located that the very center of the path with no other visible red things in the trees. "Those flash floods made staging scenes or strategically placing items impossible.". But the blue was also something I noticed. Thanks, John. again, this has been superimposed on the scene and again her feet are obscured because she is not wearing boots. They were friends from college, and were roommates then, so Lisanne had to have known Kris password as her best friend. Where did u see that picture ? For the most part, foreigners are just caught in the middle. Its texture and color seemingly resembles the red bag tied to the SOS stick on the rock later on, imo. More than 100 pictureswere on the camera; the first few looked like normal tourist photos with the womensmiling together. Central America is notably inexpensive, free spirited, less commercialized and is typically hospitable to travelers, therefore many travelers from around the world seek these adventures. Ive already researched a lot about the local conditions: Have you looked closely at what Chris has labelled the insignia. I too believe this is most likely what happened. They took a swim before the trip with to local young man the same day they went in the forest. . If you look at her shirt, it appears to be red and white striped. Vittorio Caruso. I am trying not to speculate but where is the firm incontrovertible starting point? We do not know what other clothing or items they possibly took. For the next four days they travel. You will notice another branch of dead leaf just below it. It looks as if there is a guy standing off the edge in the tunnel. Most of the bones were never found. I think the camera dried and started working again and they took pictures at night. Youre asking why didnt they try to call a friend or family member WHEN THEY COULDNT EVEN GET A SIGNAL TO THE POLICE? Yes the dog was owned by Giovanni and Doris, the owners of Il Pianista Restaurant. The left-side of her head is not hair or her hand, but just the foliage in the background. Was someone who's still out there responsible for their deaths? Kris Kremers, 21, and Lisanne. I think this photo in particular is odd. The families of both Froonand Kremers also became concerned when they didn't get a usual check-in call. I find it really creepy, but maybe Im looking at it wrong due to shadows and light. The photos showed the girls belongings spread out on rocks, along with plastic bags and candy wrappers, mounds of dirt, and a mirror. 1 reason tourists sometimes annoy residents. 2. If you dont know the story, I recommend you visit the link at the bottom of this page. I think investigation isnt the correct word. As a side note, if all of the photos are in the order in which they were taken, why do they put their hair up, and take it down so much? With regards to the photos, they are probably real. Hi Tom, I believe you intended to comment above, on @SwordOfGods comment. Think. Ive travelled through Central and South America quite a bit and these experiences cant be found elsewhere. Hi Birgitte, thank you for your comment. Its too cold to sleep at night, so they try to keep moving, until, in the darkness Kris falls down a ravine, hitting her head, and going into a coma. Instead, they think What words can I say to make my local population feel better? After all, locals elect these same authorities. But in the last year, several mass graves have been unearthed, revealing to the world a dark practice of human sacrifice which is thriving in the jungles of Panama. So they made it out of there, The picture with her standing at cave entrance is also the same place she was standing in dark way off in background. Wonder if this case has any similarities? We live in interesting times. I think Kris and Lisanne were two smart, savvy, levelheaded young women. Theres some orange with white dots. I do get very creepy and bad vibes from this photo though. How many tourists go missing in Australia each year? They knew to be on guard and be careful. It is extremely easy to photoshop a photo once it has been darkened. The rich pay for their own security and the poor resort to vigilantism. In truth, the fact that theres no evidence that the dog was with them leads a person to believe that perhaps someone could have fabricated the fact that the dog was with them. Its a complex topic. Its interesting to hear that you are considering putting together a research team to visit Panama and further investigate the details of the case interviews, videos, mapping terrain, etc. I see the nose and mouth and possibly and eye, like they were trying to hide from the girls or camera and peaking behind branches creepy. Id love to know if these pics exsist. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your interest in the case. Kids in the area could have found the backpack and were just messing around with the camera. Thats suspicious and leads me to question if government was involved to some degree. Youre welcome to do that other places online. Looking forward to reading what Bethzaida Pitti comes out with in the book she is co-authoring about the case. Kris is sticking her tongue out in this photo. I am Photoshop expert, and I promise you that its virtually impossible to edit images in any way without it being noticeable at the pixel level. Perhaps this was a cave hang-out spot used by local teenagers. They got lost and succumbed to the wild. On one website, almost every user is convinced, that all the daylight pictures were photoshopped, even this one here, No.505. The hanging object and other points of interest you highlighted reminded me of this. And thinking its more possible that another person with a bleachbath and a Laptop/PC is wandering the jungle in Panama just shows me how little people nowadays know how dangerous the outdoors can be. So why did they go on a trip on April 1st? She decided to attempt to reach her friend, or help via phone. Hi Nick, yes I would agree that the red object above is just decaying plant material. That is the key. Hi Marie, Theres no evidence that points to the dog being with them. Despite search teams, which included dogs and. If you take small part of a bigger image and blow it up to match the size/aspect ratio of other photos on the card, it will still keep the same number of pixels per square inch, but they will become much bigger. Some of them are human, including several skulls and a young girls intact corpse, in the bottom right, with a large hole in the head. I knew there was a lot of interest in the case but I never expected to find a sophisticated group collaborating at this level. Im not sure if Ive found something new here, but I havent found anyone else discussing these details online. What I find most concerning is her face. Maybe its just pareidolia, but i think its a manmade object. The night time photos are not relevant but the result of someone playing with the camera. Hi JW, yes I agree with you about many things. What is peculiar is that there were no attempts to contact anyone other than the emergency services. Also I see a black pipe if you look carefully near one of the red and black objects the one that was circled. This means either the user became incapacitated and was not operating the phone or was seriously confused. However, if Continuous mode was in use then even if 509 was deleted, the next image will be 510. The sun is shining right into her eyes so shes squinting and bending down a bit to see her friend, who was probably talking to her while snapping the photo. Why not just kill them and leave it be? That is the big picture of this case. The area behind Kris is quite shadowed, but this seems to me to be more likely dense foliage than a cave. The case needs solid evidence and/or solid witnesses coming forward. Its incredibly sad. I was visiting Panama and Boquette July 2014, thats when I first heard about this case and was following it ever since. When I look at the picture I think I can see both her arms. I havent seen any discussions on this. Here is what bothers me about this event. Again, these are just observations. However having just seen a darkened and reddened photo (the one of the back of Kriss strawberry blonde hair) you can see, in the top left, a door frame at the bottom of which is a dark floor. Hi Lisa, I wrote an in-depth analysis of Kriss bones here: The government officials involved failed at providing a thorough analysis/evaluation. While I do believe eventually, and possibly soon after this, there was foul play, I dont think anything untoward was happening as of this photo. Its interesting numerous people have contacted me anonymously and informed me that there are already multiple existing research teams that are investigating this case privately. Gang initiation rights are unknown these small gangs dont have an official policy as you might see with the larger gangs its usually just do as we say and well protect you. There is no question thats what it is. Why would the perpetrators concoct all of the photo/backpack evidence? The rock isnt about the twig its got chunks of flesh and blood splatter all over it to the right and back of rock. All comments are held for moderation prior to being published. I dont know if youve noticed this or not. And the police are not helping at all it seems to me that they want to destroy the investigation. I dont know what Chris means by this, but at first I thought it was a wooden post sticking up from the ground and painted white at the top. January 4, 2023. Most of the pictures taken on April 8 are of complete darkness while some show the jungle floor, but two pictures are alarming: one is a picture of some of the girls belongings on a rock, and the other shows the back of Kremerss head with what appears to be a bloodstain in her hair. She is looking down to the left and appears to be shocked by what she sees. After this, can ANYONE IN THIS WORLD still doubt that this girl WOULD NOT HAVE WRITTEN OR PHONED HER MOTHER FOR TWO WEEKS when she also called the police 100 times? Dutch authors Marja West and Jrgen Snoeren claim they have solved the mystery in their book Lost in The Jungle. It is also possible that an unknown person, possibly the one responsible for the girls deaths, deleted the file for some reason but not the others on the card with a laptop in the middle of the jungle. It most certainly is not a joke. In this photo is another object (or two? I was looking at the photographs again and something caught my eye. Might look harmless and untouched which is why she is standing so close but then she is either caught or trapped in a booby trap lol. Perhaps this is someone who had already joined them along the trail, and that only one of the girls was cool with the third party thats why the complete change from the first exuberant pictures. Why? I suspect some are aware of these things but want to cover it up. I believe one fell. But there are a few holesin this particular theory. A year later, two tourists following the same trail are robbed at gunpoint. And the black mark on her face. is. Not lurking or following the girls or walking beside them; nothing. On the far right upper right of the photo. I would like to know their movements precisely from arriving in Boquete. Hope this was not a member of one of those mad religious sects that, over the years, have been torturing and killing people in Panama. We have no police report to read which its self may also contain errors. After a second look, I found that the Yahoo article specifically states that it was 17 foreigners belonging to another sect, but Yahoo was somewhat unclear Foreign can have a lot of meanings in this context. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. This was either something catastrophic or a developing situation due for example to them getting lost. Im not sure though, Id have to search in my graphic editor again. Where did you hear this? the only strange element in this photo is the distance. There may be some evidence on its fur like fingerprintsdnaplant/vegetation etc. There are dead animals and skeletons strewn all across the ground. On closer inspection this and the cave photo appear heavily manipulated. While I was reading over the story again, I decided to review their photos one more time. It was taken on the Continental Divide on April 1st, 2014 with the recorded time: 13:20:32. And there have been some other unsolved murders in the same area where the girls were. The main areas of tourism in the country focus on business tourism, beaches, health and trade. And the hair photo shows him holding Kris by the neck (you can see his fingers, one wearing a silver ring with faces engraved on it).

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