how do i change my weight on zwift power

Two months ago he had a magic weight loss on zwift. It doesnt appear that people are abiding by the categories. Whilst this might be the case, as Eric implies in flat races light weight riders have to work harder to stay in touch with the heavier riders in the bunch. I would suggest a free (for now) virtual race license that would outline racer behavior with consequences. Exactly. It will not eliminate this behavior but the races will be much more realistic and enjoyable. On Zwift Power categories have both a wattage requirement and a w/kg requirement. A thank you to Zwift HQ for listening to the feedback from the racing community and taking action. If you gave the power, it will come out. Most of my ZwiftRead more . However, I was able to navigate to the settings page by doing the following. Either these racers need to calibrate the trainer or they are sandbagging big time. Maybe also add weight change limit 2kg per week? But many people (including myself) prefer categorized races because we want to have a chance to actually battle it out for a win. Ive seen many A Riders with 300 FTP on Zwift who I beat by a HUGE MARGIN at triathlon events, including the cycling portion. 240W 50kg riders (4.8W/kg) beat 380W 95kg riders in B category Tempus Fugit time trials. I started started zwift four months ago as a retirement present to myself. Unless a youth rider, height is generally going to remain the same. MyRead more . I have to say I weigh myself most mornings in the buff (just my glasses on so I can see the numbers)! His favourite races are Strade Bianche and the Volta a Portugal, and he rides a Colnago C40. The easiest way to qualify for a higher category is to cut weight. My FTP/kg is 3.88, which I now know would make me a B racer (3.2-3.9). Or are you looking for a participation trophy on every race as well? Yes, smaller riders have less frontal area, but the difference in CdA isnt that much. Hi, very impressive w/kg at 65. I think theres another more interesting angle than just trying to stay down a category. As a Triathlete, I have a different perspective when racing and riding on Zwift because the vast majority of Zwifters (according to Zwift and Strava) are only cycling; whereas Im also training by Running and Swimming. Well, imagine youre a strong C racer. Dont worry about your weight fluctuating through the week and remember you gain 0.5kg by drinking a half-litre bidon and lose it again through sweat (and by going to the toilet). I think it would be best if there was a separate cat system for flat routes (based on watts) and for hilly routes (based on w/kg), My understanding is that Zwift still applies real world physics to this situation, and maybe the article doesnt allude to it, in that on the flat Zwift wont use w/kg to drive speed but your pure watts. Knowing when to go hard and having the fitness to do so are also vital skills.). LOL. Tie that together with not letting people race in a lower (but letting them race in a higher) cat, and youll have fixed a number of the issues. The issues with e-racing remain the same, and largely ignored for years now. Well Eric, my weight is plummeting, and Ill probably be taking a break from Zwift over the summer, so Im sure the upgrade is coming very soon!!! Good heavens man, the sentence before You do you says If its not done during a competitive Zwift event, I dont see it as a problem. Obviously weight doping in races is cheating and not acceptable. My solution would make everyones chances equal, while yours would strongly favor heavy riders. Yes thats completely unacceptable, you should never be at a disadvantage at any time in your life, just as your mother raised you. If you're on Zwift and planning to get racing, then signing up to the third-party app ZwiftPower (opens in new tab) is an essential step. I rarely race, don't care. Zwift should take accountability for what matters most to start with and thats the cheaters. There is no progression from lower to higher categories through placement. Additionally, well be moving forward on hiding height and weight from Zwift Companion and Web. I have heard women admit on social rides that their zwift weight is their goal weightRead more . Last week I did the prl full and Uber pretzel and tried to get #1 by weight on those segments. Especially for the C and D groups but even for the Bs albeit to a lesser degree. Keep hammering the point and finding ways that Zwift can improve controls. If they keep riders from competing in categories below their ranking, it will reduce the number of sandbaggers and cruisers. You should do much better at your actual weight in that case. It this fair? Check out this FAQ for some of our frequently asked questions: Q:&. It just makes a mockery of the whole system. Noob question though, whats the etiquette around weighing with kit on or off. It all has to do with the way Zwift's racing categories work. I got my 100kph badge on the Bologna course. Remember - Zwift is a trainingplatform.. and if a rider feels his/hers motivation to ride, is higher when entering 'wrong' it's ok with me..AND obviously with Zwift too. First, you need to sign up for an account. Races can use different schemes to categorise riders, but most of them use this scheme: You can, of course, progress through the ranks as you race. Adjusting Difficulty Before Your Workout. I know a woman who is 5 feet tall and almost 200lb. Well, its adding weight to gain an advantage. As we said in the first post, Assuming race organizers can access the data via ZwiftPower, and the site includes simple tools for spotting potential weight or height dopers (perhaps flagging those who made dramatic changes recently), then hiding weight and height data from the public should work swimmingly.. Ive been on a mission to get back to my racing weight in 2020. If it still doesn't work email and they should be able to sort. One question I have struggled to answer though which maybe is not a consideration is that on the flat watts is what is required and I also have to push high wkg to stay with groups. If someone on zwift holds an avg power at a given heart rate, then goes out on the road and holds that same heart rate but cannot sustain even close to that power, I am sorry, but that isnt physiology; that is hardware. True, but not necessarily in the way you think. 8 months ago I was 96kg, but didntRead more , As a light (58kg) rider racing in the Bs it is very frustrating on flat routes where since the main thing that matters is raw watts and not w/kg I would have to put out well over 4 w/kg to keep up with the heavier guys and therefore I pretty much always get dropped before too long. EZ and self regulating. But maybe Im just thinking like a lady its hard for me to imagine a lady voluntarily gaining weight, even virtual weight. Youve got people putting out 5+ watts/kilo atRead more . Its funny, I was talking to one of my work colleagues who also Zwifts about AdZ and how because Im heavier (125kg / 276lbs) I would never be a sub 60m AdZ rider (I reckon Im looking at sub 2 hours, if lucky), Ive never once considered weight doping, sure I know I could but why would I? there seems to be a lot of variability in power products and what people are using to feed into zwift. If its a big hill, well then w/kg has us equalised. I still have no sprint kick so Im never winning anything anyway. Thanks! I did this because I had a particular effort level planned for my workout that day, and didnt want to exceed it. I recently won a C race, but it didnt feel like winning as I knew there were 2 categories faster. Racers who get top 1,2,3 more than a few times get upgraded period. Think of ZwiftPower, then, as something similar to Strava, only entirely Zwift-focused, and free! But then you could have someone in the same age group who maxes out at 170. People can be far to either direction im 25 and my max that I have hit is 217. There is no reason I should be gettingRead more , Sounds like its time to start racing the Bs, @guest_35522! Bath In the future, well continue to bring potential product ideas and changes to members of the Zwift Racing Community, with the hope that youll embrace this as a collaborative effort to help shape the experience. Completing this first step means that you've given permission to share your results and activity history with ZwiftPower, so now all of your performance and race data can be transferred across to the website. This raised concerns within the Zwift Racing Community regarding fairness in racing. He argues hes not gaining an advantage. below this level you just have to take people's word for it. But youre training and racing and getting stronger, and eventually your FTP improves to 260 watts, which is 3.25 w/kg. Same reason there are categories and age group races outdoors! I do find it amazing, funny and sad that IRL at several Ironman events me, a C rider, beat many A riders in the cycling segment. However, insecure Freds jumpingRead more , I am new to Zwift, but I do wonder how it is youll see a bunch of people finish at the front of a D race at 4-5 W/kg. Generally weigh myself once a month. And this is why reverse weight doping is a thing. I was just naturally heavy and it put me at the top of the C class in w/kg. Updating Your Public Profile Zwift takes your physical measurements into account for things like leaderboards, speed, and your avatar's physical appea. I agree with your idea. Obviously, these are generally accepted rules in the Zwift Community. And one cheater leads to another and its an arms race of gaming the game. I use my average weight but I feel; guilty because my weight tends to fluctuate by 0.5K or more during the week depending on how much I eat during the day really interested to learn that there is a scale that auto updates Zwift. hanging with the front group is very though for me because i am exactly at the bridge between A and B. Totally agree with you. Why dont you start self-regulating then? the lighter rider has to ride much harder to stay in the groups with a few big guys cruising along. Hardly true Say you train and commit yourself to being honest to achieve better fitness,and also better results, albeit virtually..then someone finishes better than you solely because of the BS numbers they entered. You do you. But Its hard to confirm whether or not its transmitting the weight to Zwift. This would cover submission and review of a private video showing height and weight which would result in a check mark on ZP showing this rider was height/weight verified. I dont think any of my shorter (under 5ft10) running or cycling friends weights more than that. . When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. I have a Withings scale and in the Zwift Settings, it shows up as connected. Withings scale that automatically updates your Zwift weight, a month ago in the final post of my race category series,,,, Zwift x UCI To Host Cycling Events for the Olympic Esports Series 2023, Race London ZRacing March Series Details, Notable Zwift Events for the Weekend of March 4-5. I completely agree with the last paragraph here. Im the opposite. Zwift is great just to ride around and it has lots of good training sessions which you can do. Then weigh yourself, and open Zwift, and see if it reflects the change. I have no idea. There was a problem. would that be cheating then ? Hes asking for a fair race. (ignoring that it evens out and you have the advantage on the hills but lets ignore that because its all about you and you should always podium in every race in your life, because mommy told you that you were special and big mean Zwift is making you work so hard on the flats). Not sure why its hard for you to believe that there are a lot of riders under 70kgs. It all has to do with the way Zwifts racing categories work. In order to ride with him I have to drop my weight to allow me to keep up. Too light and watts go down as does watts per kilo. 1 - Manually Set Your FTP Let's say you already know your FTP, then you can go into Zwift and manually change it to whatever you'd like. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Im not too concerned about weight doping really. Fluctuations of a few percent would be tolerated and percent change would be displayed on ZP. On the flats and descents she crushes her w/kg field. Thats why there are no top 40 Cat C riders in 70-75Kg range. First, it shows that theyre listening to the community.

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