dwight schrute mussolini speech transcript

ANGELA [00:49:51] Yeah. A thousand guys. Good opening. If he gets to the ring, then he can be a person again? Jim: Okay, I didnt actually major in public speaking. Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which every one finds during the day, how long we have been at war. When he tells Pam about it later, she is initially excited, until he tells her that he's leaving June 8, meaning he will not be able to attend her wedding. JENNA [00:39:36] Don't worry about where you're carrying the extra cash. ANGELA [00:51:44] So I was there. Benito Mussolini: A Speech to the People of Rome after Italy's Declaration of War against France and Britain (10 June 1940) Fighters of land, sea and air, Blackshirts of the revolution and of the legions, men and women of Italy, of the empire and of the Kingdom of Albania, listen! ANGELA [00:12:46] Is that a reference for your butthole? Sam, wake up in there. ANGELA [00:12:22] "Bowling with Celebrities". ANGELA [00:19:31] TiVo. I'm filming it for him. JENNA [00:53:14] So Kent said the first take was pretty unusable. So it's interesting to me, I will say now I'm very interested. We'll see you after the break. Those two years in a row. And then Michael and myself. Wrapped around 7:30 and managed to shoot seven and four eighths pages, which I guess is a fancy way to say seven and a half. JENNA [00:10:20] And I found this charming. What's your pick. That's the most competent Meredith has ever sounded. Notable cut scenes include: Non-notable cut scenes include Michael scratching an itch on his thigh, Dwight nervously clicking a pen, and several closeups of Jim's face. Dwight is doing so well. So I would wear UGG boots under my desk. ANGELA [00:52:48] The extra, guys. ANGELA [00:45:51] . Taken from a speech Mussolini gave on February 23, 1941. How about that time when Dwight gave a speech made from the - reddit ANGELA [00:41:31] Oh, my God. Rome, Italy, February 23, 1941 [1] Blackshirts of Rome! ANGELA [00:25:22] Inside his, like, man armoire. Dwight's Speech - The Office TV Show (Season 2) So they had these signs up and he said that they just had to allow public access while they were rolling. We were so invested in our characters and how our character would react to a moment or to a story that even if we hadn't been directed or didn't think the camera was on us, we would stay in our characters and react in the moment. And Michael enters and says "that's what she said" because grapes seductive. JENNA [00:32:24] It was very, very cold. We have at present under arms more than 2,000,000 men, but within the year we will, if necessary, reach, 4,000,000. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Shes showing no sympathy in inviting Jim. This latter had ten divisions. So here I'll give you the cast of "Skating with Celebrities". The scene made me laugh so hard. And then Sue Potts asked. But Jim is like, "Dwight. Could we refuse to give our aid to the movement of salvation that had found in Antonio Primo de Rivera its creator, ascetic and martyr? Because you're taping the speech in the background. And so we answered that question. But I did, you know, we did a lot of it just online. However, at 14 minutes, 19 seconds, there is a shot of the audience. The Greek successes do not go out of the tactical field and only megalomania has magnified them. ANGELA [00:41:34] This is Creed. That is crazy town. You need to come into work. Remember when he got Dwight to believe that Thursday was Friday? Applause John. SPEECH DELIVERED BY - ibiblio Jim: Dwight was the top salesman of the year at our company. Aww, hes so cute. JENNA [01:04:48] What's next week's episode? But I dont care. I mean, Pam, if Pam had any doubts at all that this was hard on him, she can't deny it anymore. JENNA [00:38:16] No, for health reasons, you must wear a cover up in the lobby and around food. ANGELA [00:12:29] "Cornhole with Celeb-" I already do that all the time. Michael: Its time, Dwight. Michael: Pam, Im public speaking. About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. And this was due to a scheduling conflict with the season finale of "Skating with Celebrities". Now, Paul Lieberstein, who wrote this episode, he did an interview once where he said, yeah, I think Jim did eventually take that trip, but he moved the trip. Kate and I. Michael: Dwight gave a great speech. Dwight: Blood alone moves the wheels of history! JENNA [00:06:25] He said that we did 47 camera setups in a 12 hour shoot day. So that that's how I bowl. The Office Season 2 Episode 17: "Dwight's Speech", About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. ANGELA [00:27:25] I think you can really start hearing that he's sick. JENNA [00:56:54] He really is. Usually like four to seven takes per camera set up. But guys, it's a little family owned business. JENNA [00:00:24] Good morning, "Office Ladies"! ANGELA [01:02:04] We stayed there for the convention. Most people who stay at the resorts are couples, but they do have single person rates available. ANGELA [00:24:17] He does not want Dwight to succeed. We would totally stay in character. Thats the word on the street anyway. I can genuinely say that I have really liked every episode of both seasons so far (I own season 1s DVD, too), but The Speech ranks at the very bottom for me. So-. But when Michael tosses it toOscar, Jim intercepts the ball. JENNA [00:45:22] Or because they want to get the ring to him so he turns into a regular person again? Technicians and workers toiled day and night, giving a convincing demonstration not only of their professional capacity but also of their patriotism. We must recognize this. ANGELA [00:26:44] Two mounted plaques. ANGELA [00:33:50] It killed. JENNA [00:12:21] "Bowling with Celebrities". ANGELA [00:24:12] Well, I have real beef with Michael on this episode. ANGELA [01:05:25] And our theme song is "Rubber Tree" by Creed Bratton. ANGELA [00:32:02] Different day. Rainn runs at Leslie and like heisman's him basically. ANGELA [00:44:23] It was a person and he is gaining his power back. [applause] Salesmen of north-eastern Pennsylvania, I ask you once more rise and be worthy of this historical hour. JENNA [00:34:00] Yes. [15] This means that it was seen by 4.4 percent of all 18- to 49-year-olds, and 10 percent of all 18- to 49-year-olds watching television at the time of the broadcast. JENNA [00:13:19] This is fascinating. Pam: Are you going to cry, Jim? No. So he well, I guess we'll get to that later. And he's like, you've got to wave your arms and pound your fist. Luke Maslow and Scoot Venon-Meyer both asked, "How much of Michael's speech was improvised"? Well, there are many things, I believe, that do such of thing of that nature. I say, salesman - and women - of the world unite! To state as they do that their losses in the battle of sixty days in Cyrenaica are not above 2,000 dead and wounded means adding a grotesque note to the drama. What does it cost? JENNA [00:35:09] Terrible. We cranked it back up. ANGELA [00:33:58] And he's gonna show him an example of that. ANGELA [00:51:12] This is a car starting "re re re re". During that brief period of time we faced and overcame exceptional difficulties. ANGELA [00:17:35] No, he wasn't. Who would you vote for President: Dwight Schrute or Creed Bratton So a line producer is the person who gets the script and figures out all of the practical stuff that you need to do to make an episode happen. They clearly care about one another. Right? And some takes they would have, they just had me there just in case. Oscar: I get here early every morning so I can set the thermostat. Sorry, what is? JENNA [00:27:19] Rainn improvised that part of it, where, that the word was "failure". JENNA [00:43:09] That was always so fun when they would notice our little choices. In the same period were sent 1,924 cannon of all calibers and many of them of recent construction and model; 15,386 machine-guns; 11,000,000 rounds of shells; 1,344,287,275 bullets for light arms; 127,877 tons of engineers materials; 779 tanks with a certain percentage of heavy tanks; 9,584 auto vehicles of various kinds; 4,809 motorcycles. It was definitely a good one. They've been a bit estrange. Began as a prank from Jim, but turned. I know. KtT8H@gvmRYPPR]iDkx;!7 ANGELA [00:12:51] I, it's still really fun. An extended scene of Michael's unfunny and extremely awkward speech. Kristy Swanson won. So he's in charge of all those numbers and things. Brendan Babish of DVD Verdict felt that "Dwight's Speech" was "one of the few misfires" of the season, noting that it "certainly has laughs", but that "its humor is a bit too absurd compared to the show's usual riffs on office ennui". JENNA [01:01:37] Oh, my gosh. Dwight and Michael chuck a football back and forth, talking. I love that. ANGELA [00:45:44] 11 minutes, 3 seconds, Jim does a prank on Dwight. There were. Audience: FOR IT IS TOGETHER THAT WE PREVAIL! Like I remember when it came time for lunch, like the catering was way, it was like Sergio plus all these other extra guys. For Italy it is just the same. However, I have a very strong memory. "[18] It first aired on March 2, 2006. ANGELA [00:30:35] Well, you know, poor Jim overhears this and he's like, that's it. This is the first time Michael has shown anything but admiration for Ryan. ANGELA [00:19:06] Yes. The grim reaper is here. Jim "helps" him by giving him suggestions and speech notes from speeches of famous dictators. x}[sKr{"VeKoXwD(@`H@\\HSULLe^!k{2_68q4R`71vog\?oLkmF S:gR_6mveFo6~pn_ vz:9likg10Ls}ru>o?oWOWw/?>]=\o7W7?n2PQ He can take that. ANGELA [00:50:44] Huh. ANGELA [00:19:56] But we didn't have that. JENNA [00:57:53] Yeah. JENNA [00:55:46] This is how you're going to be most authentic. In, In this episode, Ryan tells us that Jim eats a ham and cheese sandwich everyday. But on the top shelf of his mini fridge is a fancy silver tea set. I don't know if you guys outside of L.A., you see these signs a lot around town. Dwight was named the North East Sales Association salesman of the year for 2005, and he gave a rousing speech at the yearly meeting, drawring from Benito Mussolini for inspiration. Jim: Im gonna take a trip. ANGELA [00:26:41] He had a change of clothes, a Dundee. ANGELA [00:30:53] I did, too. Dwight: We are warriors! Why waste time watch many show when one show do trick? In all cases it is more likely that the United States, before it is attacked by Axis soldiers, will be attacked by the not well known but very warlike inhabitants of the planet Mars, who will descend from the stratosphere in unimaginable flying fortresses. And it is really the beginning of what I like to call "Ryan sass", that's going to really kick into effect later in this episode. Randall and Matt would sort of catch these little moments that we did in the background that weren't part of the script. Dwight, the company's top salesman of the year, worries over a speech he must give at a ceremony honoring him. ANGELA [01:04:28] I think what he is finally admitting is they're, they're not best friends. We can understand Churchills ordering the shelling of industrial plants at Genoa to disrupt work, but to shell the city in order to break down its morale is a childish illusion. At 17 minutes, 34 seconds, he says. Sam? Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which every one finds during the day, how long we . stream Dwight was named "Salesman of the Year" and had to give a speech. That they really wanted him to stick to the script. And and and supposedly there was a "Battlestar Galactica" cast member that was gonna be there and he was like, really excited. Just go in the conference room, he's going to teach everyone how to give a speech. ANGELA [00:21:51] Guys, I want to present to you at 2 minutes, 31 seconds, a complete tongue twister. Also, there is a thermostat war going on. Dwight's speech from The Office BLOOD ALONE MOVES THE WHEELS OF HISTORY! 4 0 obj We're best friends. He's like, it doesn't really matter what you say. SPEECH DELIVERED BY PREMIER BENITO MUSSOLINI. So that's the hat that we went with. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! It used to be a train station. And they took pictures of me in the hat and they showed them to, you know, everybody involved. Stop public interrupting me! Pam continues to plan her wedding, while Jim schedules a vacation. I can't be there. Restoring the Pride." This is one of the first in a while. ANGELA [00:58:02] Some woman who sat there who didn't have her I.D. At the end of Michael's story, the alien has been replaced by a man wearing a wizard hat. I want you guys to try to say this 10 times fast. JENNA [00:18:50] They were cleared and not returned. JENNA [00:07:43] I think it was a Wednesday? I sometimes even had a blanket over my legs. ANGELA [00:53:06] They wanted it, for the audience to be unsure whether Dwight was gonna be a hit or not. I wrote that in my diary. ANGELA [00:38:44] And then they're like-. Nice little back and forth. On another occasion-not to tire you with too many figures-our intervention in the Falangist Revolution will be documented. And he's like, "Yeah", and he hands them to you and you're like, "I wanted the love stamps, you know, the love stamps". Please, you guys, if you have a chance. Woron? JENNA [00:40:21] Well, at nine minutes, 29 seconds, Creed has the talking head for anyone wondering. getting old). ANGELA [00:48:04] Yeah. Since then the land war on the Continent has ended and it cannot flare back. People might think Ryan was the jerk of that scene, but it was definitely Pam. Dwight later reveals that he will be going to New Zealand to "walk the Lord of the Rings trail to Mordor and I will hike Mount Doom. Like our wing and the guys in the I.T. JENNA [00:57:23] Yeah. Blackshirts of Rome! So this episode aired in the United States on March 2nd in 2006. ANGELA [00:49:18] It's by 2 Unlimited. s02e17 - Dwight's Speech Transcript detail Michael: Let's think this through. 1 0 obj Dwight is named "Sales Person of the Year". OK. Where are we at? JENNA [00:19:51] Yeah, it's the same as what you have now on your direct TV or your cable. But the only room they were allowed to shut down and control was that ballroom. I know we're best friends at the office, but I'm not going to come to your wedding and when you're married, I'm not gonna hang with you. ANGELA [00:59:16] You have to show me. JENNA [00:30:59] Yeah. And I didnt know what to make of Ryans remark it seemed randomly mean I think that is a great explanation. JENNA [00:07:05] Fast Fact Number Two: Rainn Wilson was very sick for this episode. ANGELA [00:26:31] A can of something. I don't know. JENNA [00:10:06] Yeah. Angela getting squashed was not planned. 23 The Danubian and Balkan world cannot ignore and does not ignore the Axis, Hungary and Rumania have joined the Tripartite Pact. Watson. Kevin: Its like Club Med, but everything is naked. ANGELA [00:44:28] He can be fully complete and he can reign pure hell all over the land. And Rainn said yes. Even better than Dwights speech: Jim trying to escape his predicament of unrequited love. ANGELA [00:50:02] He chokes. So Kristy Swanson, Jillian Barberie, Bruce Jenner. JENNA [00:03:02] Fast Fact Number One: we had a lot of questions about the convention center, the convention itself, a lot of curiosity. The paper in front of him does have a copy of the speech, because Wilson believed that's what Dwight would have done. :wX_ss\fh^_0B7Fb78>(0p,% \hMr8}6azr`#;m?6h85;_ G #KT*{/G ANGELA [00:19:43] Okay. Rome comrades! Dwight: Is that an insult, or is that part of the public speaking advice? ANGELA [00:32:34] We're always in suits and the lights do like warm up the stage but they cranked the air down so the guys wouldn't get sweaty in their suits. And we're back there. It was like a Wednesday, but we'd already been filming in the bullpen. And, and they were so great about sort of finding those moments and making sure that everyone saw them. Major. Am I wrong? Season 2. Congratulations to Amber, Jaclyn, and Ping for winning OfficeTally.coms iTunes Drawing this week! Dwight: I can travel anywhere, except Cuba. The audience consisted of 400 extras and 100 mannequin torsos (no arms or legs) dressed up in suits. ANGELA [00:23:27] Phil Shea, but also good catches there. He wasn't shoved that hard. But Randall and Matt are camera operators. Does you know what I'm saying? Jim, upset at having to hear wedding planning at Pam's desk, calls a travel agent and arranges a trip to Australia. We don't know what they are going to say. ANGELA [00:45:58] But this is a Jim solo prank. It was like a, one of the very first digital video recordings where you could record your show. I had to look like I was being incognito, but you had to be able to see my face. And what is playing as they walk through? I just need everyone to clock a little bit of my Angela Martin look. And you're scandalous emotional affair you're having. The Office Dwight's Speech extras In one of Jim's talking head segments, he shows a printed page of a speech given by Benito Mussolini. Dwight's Mussolini speech from The Office - YouTube Seventh, when Great Britain falls, then the war will be ended, even if by any chance it should die out slowly in other countries of the British Empire. There were a lot of extras. ANGELA [01:00:10] And Dwight's like, oh, I wish I wanted to go to this. Michael Sciannamea of TV Squad wrote that he wonders if the Jim-Pam relationship "will reach some sort of resolution or become a season-ending cliffhanger". JENNA [00:58:31] Madeline wrote and said, "I have been waiting for this episode to ask this question". And so I, it was picked for me. Jim: What did I do to deserve this? I thought this episode was so funny Finally something else to watch other than Seinfeld repeats for me. [14] The episode received a 4.4 rating/10 percent share among adults between the ages of 18 and 49. JENNA [00:25:39] Yeah. JENNA [00:05:39] He mentioned that Charles McDougal was really worried that you were going to see these dummies.

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