which of the following statements on coaching are true

According to the fundamental archetypes of leadership, the Visionary-Alchemist archetype refers to a leader who provides oversight, control, moral guidance, and caring protectiveness FALSE According to the fundamental archetypes of leadership, the Warrior-Knight archetype refers to a leader who challenges the status quo and guides adaptation. C) action, observation, and reflection. Confederate Leadership Chart. B) False. True or false: transferring learning to new environments takes place during the second phase of the Peterson-Hicks developmental planning process. A) transfers B) appraisals C) promotions D) recruitments, Which of the following terms refers to reassignments to similar positions in other parts of a firm? A) prior performance B) aptitude tests C) assessment centers D) psychological exams, All of the following are characteristic of a formal promotion process EXCEPT ________. True/False. Laws and ordinances do not differ from state to state. Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar, 754206. sober cruises carnival; portland police activity map; guildwood to union station via rail Both coaching and mentoring are focused exclusively on day-to-day performance. A) educated workers B) senior-level employees C) mission-critical employees D) workers with global experience, Poor attendance and voluntary turnover are most likely characteristics of ________. Trust means adhering to moral and ethical principles. 2020 - 2024 www.quesba.com | All rights reserved. Identify the true statements about leadership training programs aimed particularly toward leaders and supervisors in industry or public service. A) Training is future-oriented, while development focuses more on present issues.B) Training focuses on preparing employees for current jobs, but development prepares them for other positions. Explanations: Mentoring: A mentor has no direct link to an employee's coach or direct manager (i.e. A leadership development program that uses wilderness survival techniques is probably focusing on, True or false: 3M's commitment to leadership development is illustrated by its decision to make talent development a core business strategy, True or false: developing a strategic plan for the company is a common part of leadership development programs for senior level executives. Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar, 754206. sober cruises carnival; portland police activity map; guildwood to union station via rail a. Coaching involves the belief that the individual has the answers to their own problems within them. (From Our Special Itepprter. A) conducting more performance reviews B) developing new recruitment strategies C) establishing a talent management program D) revising the organization's mission statement, c) establishing a talent management program, Apex Carpet has a high voluntary turnover rate, which they want reduced. Payments are secure.. The key to developing a coaching philosophy is philosophy is defined as the beliefs or principles that guide actions. She leads teams with an "all hands on deck" ethos, to make technical correct-ness, of previously messy and over complicated scenarios.<br><br>Previous roles have seen her gain a breadth of . 1.A coaching philosophy removes____________ from many aspects of the coaching environment. A) Mentoring programs are more effective for male than for female employees. 2007-2023 Learnify Technologies Private Limited. Which of the following is true of the motivational use of recognition and praise? A recommended method of selecting team members is to: A study found that positive leader-member exchanges are likely to increase a leader's: The leader of a particular group decides to conduct personal meetings with his team members, to understand how they feel about their positions in the team. A) paraphrasing information during a discussion B) focusing only on short-term skills C) asking closed-ended questions D) providing general feedback, _____ is a process for enabling employees to better understand & develop their career skills & interests & to use them most effectively within the company & afterwards. Which of the following statements is true regarding conflict resolution? d. It is an inefficient model to be used by senior executives to develop the skills of their staff. Coaches teaching character should engage in all of the following except, modeling moral behavior but not discussing it. FALSE Explanations we develop for the behaviors of actions we attend to are called, Fundamental attribution error can be best described as, The tendency to overestimate the dispositional causes of behavior and underestimate the environmental causes when others fail, An individual who takes credit for successes but blames the situation for failures. Which term best describes this program? Formal coaching usually involves regular meetings between the coach and the manager. 1. Schedule lunches with peers, True or false: coworkers should always avoid getting involved with the personal lives of peers, Barbara is a candidate for a managerial position in a financial services firm. charge his former organization with civil rights infringement. Retirement preparation, succession planning, job posting, and management counseling are popular career management practices offered by organizations around the world. The following are examples of coaches modeling good character. Write the item correctly on the line provided. Women constitute approximately 40% of the workforce, but hold less than 2% of top management positions. 3.What are the reasons a coach may adopt the submissive coaching style? An important implication of expectancy theory for leaders is that: the link between rewards and performance should be made explicit. Which of the following are the typical features of leaders with high levels of technical competence compared to those with lower levels of technical competence? Correct answer is b. Get an answer. E. Mentoring is focused directly on job performance, (Hide this section if you want to rate later). How to change limiting beliefs? Which one of the following is a better coach approach as a ScrumMaster? A) selling stock B) saving money C) attracting applicants D) meeting legal obligations, Which term refers to actions intended to place physical or psychological distance between employees and their work environments? 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. To know more check the True or false: followers need to realize that superiors do not have all the answers and they have both strengths and weaknesses, During the final phase of development planning, the development plan. Select one: Correct 1.00 points out of 1.00 a. Scrum teams that have worked together for longer periods of time might not need as much coaching as a newly formed Scrum team b. When an individual learns only about subjects within the comfort zone of their belief system they are using ________ learning. Studies indicate that approximately 40% of the global workforce is engaged. True or false: to be successful learning must continue even after the end of one's formal education. True or False objectives and beliefs Parts of a philosophy Coaching is focused on long-term development. Rating. 7.____________ approach to motivation views athletes as stubborn and stupid. Which of the statements about hazing and bullying is not true? a) A career is short-term job b) A career is a series of steps or accomplishments working towards a lifelong ambition or goal c) Most careers do not require any education or special training d) A career is any activity in exchange for payment Training and developing Workplace Wellness enthusiasts, HR professionals, managers, and executives with a passion for cultivating organizational/employee well-being, healthy workplaces, and high-performing work cultures is what lights me up each day!<br><br>If one of the following statements rings true for you, let's link arms to manifest your professional and organizational growth and . The term coaching indicates a more hands-on instruction of commonly-used skills, which do require formal training sessions - True Coaching often occurs one-on-one so that the sessions can be easily tailored to the staff members' needs - True Coaching sessions are generally carried out at TAFE or in a school - False In the TH&E industry, commonly coached tasks include basic computer service . Our tendency or bias to perceive one thing and not another is referred to as our ______. Followers are generally more satisfied with them a. Where and how does coaching commonly occur? A head coach is permitted to be outside the optional coaching box to give instructions to players. The notion that a person being coached must want to change; assessments are important; some behaviors cannot be changed; practice is critical; and there is no substitute for accountability are all ________. True/False. 3.Team culture refers to the environment a coach creates to help athletes achieve the team goals. (a) How did Tudor monarchs handle Parliament? A goal contained within a team mission statement should be. 1. Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar, 754206 c. A contact foul while the ball is live. The following phrase may be capitalized incorrectly. Explanation- Definition of philosophy False Difficult decisions and ethical dilemmas in coaching Those in the coaching profession face few difficult decisions and ethical dilemmas. Jodie has high self-efficacy, meaning that she: is highly confident that she can perform a particular task. Which is true of a good development plan? It involves the coach understanding the problem, skills of employee , and the employee . The following statements related to coaching are: The term coaching indicates a more hands-on instruction of commonly-used skills, which, Coaching often occurs one-on-one so that the sessions can be easily tailored to the staff. This can be considered as an act that: appeals to her pride and thereby motivates her further. True or false: leader development and leadership development refer to the same phenomenon, True or false: individuals who have completed undergraduate courses in leadership are always better leaders. Which one is of the following is the ScrumMaster resonsible for? 3 days ago. An employer's promotion processes are free of the requirements imposed by anti-discrimination laws. a. Scrum teams that have worked together for longer periods of time might not, need as much coaching as a newly formed Scrum team, b. Step-by-step explanation Coaching by definition is teaching , instructing , and training employees in carrying out short term skills related to job. 7.The following are examples of extrinsic reward. Trey is a high-performing employee. Which of the following statements about mentoring and coaching is true? An individual's preference for the type of praise should be taken into account. b. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A warning to a team for delay is an administrative procedure by an official that is recorded in the scorebook by the scorer and announced to the coach. True/False. "Grass is greener" view of employment elsewhere Progressive discipline, Which of the following is required for teams to be effective? = 15 * 3/20 All of the following statements are true regarding a closely-guarded situation, EXCEPT: A closely-guarded count continues during an interrupted dribble. A) open positions are posted B) promotion criteria are made available C) job postings are circulated to all employees D) promotions are based on unpublished requirements, d) promotions are based on unpublished requirements, Tanya accused a male superior of sexual harassment who later convinced her supervisor to not promote her. This might include giving the person, a low-level work assignment, a downsized office, or some other form of, undesirable treatment. A focus on competitiveness and motivation suggests that a company should promote on the basis of seniority. 3 months ago, Posted (2), Identify the employees who are included in the plan. D. The relationship between mentor and protge is the same as the relationship between employee and supervisor. If a pronoun has a stated antecedent, underline the antecedent twice. C) action, observation, and reflection. On the answer line, write the letter of the answer that best completes given analogy. d. When the ball touches the side of a rectangular backboard. 6.Telling stories can help athletes use their imaginations to turn abstractions into something tangible. Additional Management Flashcards All of the following are true statements regarding charged time-outs, EXCEPT: The ball is in A's backcourt when A1, while holding the ball, has one foot touching the division line and the other touching in frontcourt. The best opportunity for discussing career-related issues with an employee is during the annual or semi-annual appraisal. 3 A coaching staff member may be employed at a noninstitutional, privately owned camp in which a high school athletics award winner is employed. True/False. Which of the following statements is true of a team culture? Aspects that MALE managers learn from experience: Persevering through adversity It requires the organization to focus on preventing, employees who are highly valued by the organization from leaving (and. 2 years ago, Posted 1._____________ refers to the sharing of your thoughts and feelings with the athletes. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Psych 251 Quiz Three: Trauma and Stress Relat. (a) Make Inferences The term irony refers to a discrepancy between appearances and reality. a. A) performance management B) career development C) career management D) career planning, Which of the following is a specific example of a career development activity? Which of the following statements about trust is true? A All of the above 4 Q According to Carlstedt's findings:50% finished after four sessions. laredo united football coaching staff. The arrow will be switched toward Team B in all of the following, EXCEPT: Which of the following statements is true when each team is granted a time-out to keep a player in the game who was directed to leave because of injury/blood? A) Mentoring B) Engagement C) Development D) Talent assessment. 8.Which of the following statements regarding team routines for team discipline is false? A) corporate competitiveness is necessary B) union agreements are involved C) civil service regulations apply D) compensation packages are limited, What can diminish the promotion process? someone will show you, Off-the job training has the benefit that people are able to concentrate more with less. A) orientation sessions B) career-oriented appraisals C) interest inventories D) graphic-rating scales, ABC Consulting has mentoring where senior-level managers are paired w/ less-experienced employees. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. 11 months ago, Posted Select all that apply. B) "I take frequent breaks." A. Coaching is the application of specific skills to build knowledge and skills that improve the performance of Marines. Coaching is focused on long-term development. A player is officially disqualified and becomes bench personnel when the player is notified by an official. A simultaneous violation is called if offensive players occupy the first marked lane spaces and defensive players occupy the second marked lane spaces during the free throw. THE TAPANUI MURDER. Which of the following statements is NOT true? Most young workers entering the job market today are heavily focused on their job and their employer, unlike baby boomers who preferred to balance work and family. A) administer attitude surveys to all employees B) evaluate the firm's promotion methods C) develop online training courses, a) administer attitude surveys to all employees, According to a TowersPerrin study, which of the following managerial actions would most likely foster employee engagement? Matching individual strengths and weaknesses with occupational opportunities and threats is a key to the career planning process. True/False. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. . Bullying is a ritual imposed on an individual wanting to be part of the group. A) Raj, who is uncertain how to navigate office politics B) Haley, who is working and attending graduate school, a) Raj, who is uncertain how to navigate office politics, All of the following are characteristics of effective mentors EXCEPT ________. e. B1 has the ball accidentally hit his/her lower leg. b. B. Payments are made twice a week. Question 2: A good coach should process the following essential attributes: (Tick the correct answers) Can train for transfer (the skills are easily applied in work situation) True Demands respect Instils confidence Must be a qualified teacher Must be able to motivate others Must be experienced Must be passionate Must be well organised T T T T T A) offering improved benefits packages B) conducting regular performance appraisals C) linking employee efforts to company goals D) providing online training sessions to new hires, c) linking employee efforts to company goals, Which of the following statements most likely suggests that an employee is engaged? A relationship and empathic listening may help develop solutions. Merely keep an account of the days activities. Individuals practicing a theory Y attitude should ____. = 2 5/20 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. 3.The cooperative coaching style is the most difficult style to implement, but the most rewarding for all. A) decreasing employee engagement B) minimal job expectations C) shrinking labor markets D) poor supervision, A manager who frequently reminds employees how their efforts contribute to accomplishing the company's goals will most likely ________. The Chinese team used to train a 1ot, but competed less, which led to poor results in international competitions. a. athletes are easily distracted by irrelevant information, 7.A source of fun that coaches could provide for athletes would be, opportunities to socially interact with their teammates. The barriers for women to advance at work are referred to as the glass ceiling because federal legislation has enabled women to earn an equal number of top-level positions as men. The warehouse-type stores all sell the same broad range of affordable home furnishings, kitchens, accessories, and food. 6.The coaching style that typically communicates in an aggressive and intimidating way is command style 6.The manner in which something is said can change the meaning entirely. The ball is out of bounds in all of the following situations, EXCEPT: A traveling violation results if A1, while holding the ball, touches the floor with a knee or any other part of the body other than hand or foot. True/False. A) providing employees with proper training B) discussing career plans with workers C) selecting the right workers D) identifying worker goals, According to surveys, high levels of employee engagement are LEAST frequently associated with ________. Perhaps the most important yet most neglected component of the action-observation-reflection model is reflection. which of the following statements about the Myers-Briggs type indicator is true? A) Mentoring; coaching B) Coaching; mentoring C) Recruiting; coaching D) Appraising; training, You coach an employee who is struggling with work assignments. They are unwilling or unable to properly prepare. A) career development B) work-life balance C) promotions D) salary, What is one of the results of IBM's on-demand staffing strategy? it advocates the views that thinking and feeling are not important in decision-making it is no longer used in organizations research has concluded that the MBTI does a poor job of measuring junks psychological types She is the founder of My Infinite Ways which helps clients to embrace their imperfections and accept their self-image. Unfortunately, it isn't always easy to determine what actions are hazing or bullying. B. ___________________ is the process of evaluating alternative decisions and choosing the one most consistent with one's moral values. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? When correcting inappropriate athlete behavior, coaches should not tell the athlete what behavior is expected in that situation. A 60-second time-out may be reduced in length if the charged team is ready to play. Written Quiz SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills. A) True. The relationship between mentor and protge is not at all same as the relationship between employee and supervisor. Team policies should take precedence over school or governing body policies. Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar, 754206. sober cruises carnival; portland police activity map; guildwood to union station via rail According to the research which is the most valuable factor in coaching? A. Which of the following is a leader development technique that best allows individuals to actually practice skills? True/False. Her injuries should do all of the following except ___________. 8. A) job evaluation B) training workshop C) college recruitment D) performance appraisal, Jackie is working to identify her personal skills & interests. operating equipment, preparing an item for sale or, A coaching session could include the processes required for selling or promoting. New answers. 2.Any personal coaching objectives are fine as long as they can be achieved without compromising the well-being of the athlete or team. Contact that is not a legitimate attempt to play the ball/player specifically designed to stop the clock or keep it from starting is: Any player who exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion shall not return to play until cleared by: When the ball is awarded to the wrong team for a throw-in, in order for it to be corrected, it must be rectified: Team A is awarded an alternating-possession throw-in. Recognize that people have strengths as well as weaknesses, Individuals who want effective relationships with peers should, Try to identify common goals and interests, A superior interested in discovering common interests and values of peers should, Participate in social gatherings 2.What are the three objectives of sport? Both on- and off-the-job training must not be held before or after work as individuals, For the coaching to be successful you need to select a comfortable and practical, Most of the learning in your career will occur on-the-job, e.g. 3.Coaches who have experience in their sport and are knowledgeable about the rules, technical and tactical skills, and strategies of the game have nothing more to learn to be an effective coach. He Kexin's fall in the qualification had no bad effect on . Which of the following statements regarding formal coaching programs is true? A) developing a trustworthy relationship B) guiding protgs into important projects C) focusing on the protg's daily tasks D) setting high standards for protgs, Which is a true statement about mentoring programs? Describes the final destination, Reviewing progress on a development plan can help you, Avoid surprises at your performance appraisal. Which of the following is most likely to be the cause of a glass ceiling in a, encouragement from peers and senior managers does help women advance, Which of the following is the first step in the process of developing a succession, Identifying the positions that are included in the plan, The process of developing a succession plan consists of the following, sequential steps: (1) Identify what positions are included in the plan. Describe three (3) ways in which information systems are transforming business. 8.All the following are true concerning effective ways to reward athletes except. A coach is a peer or manager who works with employees to motivate them . A) performance management B) human resource management C) management by objectives D) talent management, Employers that focus on talent management are primarily interested in retaining ________. c. When a foul by either team occurs before the throw-in ends. Helen receives a watch from the company as a compliment for her value-adding service to the organization for a period of 10 years. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. In the TH&E industry, commonly coached tasks include basic customer service skills, technical or practical skills, e.g. d. An appropriate health-care professional. b. The time-outs are administered concurrently. ______ is the best way to become a technical expert. Please provide examples to support your explanations. A good coach should process the following essential attributes: Can train for transfer (the skills are easily applied in. simplify language for easier communication. Simulation is not beneficial for the purpose of coaching and training as it fails to, Some coaching situations may warrant the training to be taken off site, known as off-, The following are examples of how the need for coaching could be identified. All of the following result in a kicking violation, EXCEPT: The time consumed prior to recognition of a correctable error cannot be restored even though the error is corrected. A) coaching B) appraising C) assessing D) mentoring, ________ focuses on helping an employee make long-term career plans, while ________ addresses an employee's short-term job skills. The first step is to change your limiting beliefs. True/False. - Discuss telecommunication operations and three (3) security measures to ensure protection of information. Privacy Policy. 1.In terms of character, young athletes are most likely to, follow the examples of character exhibited by the coach, 1.The person the coach would like to be is, 1.The image a coach believes others have of him or her, 1.The sum of the coach's subjective thoughts, feelings, and needs is, 1.Anxiety, guilt, or even self-hatred can result when conflict arises between the _______ and the other selves, 1.The self-esteem of a coach should be based on, living up to his or her own realistic standards. MAGISTERIAL PR()CKKI)I Nt ;s. f By Telegraph. (b) Why did the early Stuarts clash with Parliament? Knowing what excites you coaches don't pursue recreational objectives in recreational sports According to research, the turnover rate is relatively the same across all industries in the U.S. True/False. This way coaching and mentoring are different too. A) providing career information B) seeking development opportunities C) providing academic assistance programs D) providing accurate performance feedback, d) providing accurate performance feedback, Orion wants to provide a Web-based library of career development materials, career coaches, & workshops. (7) Determine what feedback is provided to employees. Which of the following statements about mentoring and coaching is true? A. All of the following are ruled correctable errors, EXCEPT: If the ball handler/dribbler has his/her back to the basket outside the lane area and an opponent places an arm bar on the player, it is not a foul. 6.The coaching style that typically communicates in an aggressive and intimidating way is. Select all that apply. C.Mentors are typically not the employee's direct supervisor. c. The culture should be laid out before the season and not involve the team members. 9 days ago, Posted Coaches need to label athlete behavior so athletes can connect their behavior with the character principle it represents. Which one of the following statements is most true? e. Based solely on the severity of the act. 8.What are some reasons athletes misbehave? Studies indicate that traditional mentoring is less effective for men than it is for women. (3) Develop standards, to evaluate positions. engaged in undesirable treatment short of terminating him. 4 Before a prospective student-athlete commits to the institution per Bylaw, a coach talks with the Coping with ambiguous situations 7.All of the following are guidelines for setting personal goals except. In this scenario, Trey is, an African American, which is a protected group, and can consequently. It can provide leaders with a variety of insights into how to frame problems differently. Mentoring is focused on overall development of employees and their long-term development. People often face complex issues with no clear ending. g league assistant coach salary. All of the following are duties of the scorer, EXCEPT: All of the following situations result in a violation, EXCEPT: All of the following describe general duties of any game official, EXCEPT: The head coach is assessed a direct technical foul if team members are permitted to leave the bench area and/or playing court for an unauthorized reason. The spaghetti was cold by the time we sat down to eat. A) True. A) supporting recruitment efforts B) boosting employee commitment C) enhancing employee strengths D) facilitating performance analysis, Retaining employees is a ________ issue and the best retention strategies are therefore multifunctional. D. The relationship between mentor and protge is the same as the relationship between employee and supervisor.

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