what is the fear of celebrities called

Scopophobia - Wikipedia Misophobia is a hatred of certain types of sounds and many believe it is a neurological disorder rather than phycholgical symptom. Naming phobias in general are created by finding the Greek or Latin word for whatever the fear is and adding phobia on it and often they are very vague labels. Lisa, I believe your fear is real, but I do not know what it is called. If you are seeking help, anyone in the health profession will understand what you are speaking of, If someone can think it, there can be a fear of it. And second, how about fear of grass touching your feet (especially when wearing sandals, but anytime really), Jeremiah, thanks for your question. Textophobia Fear of certain fabrics. brushing off what they said until they bring it up again (which Im hoping with a burning passion they wont) or B). On the contrary, if Im the one with the problem Ill wont say anything to a person for months at a time and it gets me super depressed because nothing changes. The main symptom of acrophobia is feeling intense anxiety and fear of heights. So, that stain disturbed me to much that I ran to my bathroom grabbed a towel and wet it and cleaned it so hard as if it was the dirties thing there. Gelotophobia Fear of being laughed at. Febriphobia or Fibriphobia or Fibriophobia Fear of fever. If you do nothing, nothing will change. People like to throw labels on things and the label of phobia often become a catch all for larger and more complicated concerns. Not sure you will find a name for this. Selachophobia Fear of sharks. Pediculophobia Fear of lice. Have the same fear? Professionals dont need the label other than for dealing with insurance companies. Many can be dealt with quickly or in a relatively short time period. Why? I cant believe I didnt get arrested. If I try to talk or even open my mouth to speak Ill start crying, I cant help it. While there may be a name for it, I am not familiar with it. Do u know if there is a name for this phobia? You hold people too close, which makes death extra painful. All phobia names have a Greek or Latin origin based off of words that match the subject matter. Catagelophobia Fear of being ridiculed. It is not uncommon for some tp fear being in certain places without a friend or someone they know. Since people can fear just about anything the mind can conceive, not all specific fears are named and they do not need to be. Yep, those cute little piglets terrify the Pirates of the Caribbean actor! Your email address will not be published. Hi, I have an obvious fear of being touched, which youve named numerous times throughout the list. Are these the pettiest celebrity feuds EVER? There may be a name for this, but personally I am not interested in labels, I am interested in the process holding these fear and hate in place. It only bothers me when it happens, so it doesnt effect my day to day living. (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia) It doesnt matter stranger or my own children. The only way I can handle it is to write/type it all out and put in a place I know theyll find it. Fear of flying is one of the most common phobias around the world. Blennophobia Fear of slime. Acrophobia- Fear of heights. I would think you dont want to be hurt, that there is a fear that someone who can attract others might be lured away from you, but I would need more info. Look up the Greek or Latin word (or words) for your phobia and you are half way there, Genophobia or erotophobia is the fear of sexual intimacy. Find someone to work with that can help you adjust your over attachment to others when you get in a relationship with them, to help with the black and white perspective you take. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The human nervous system can associate fear to anything. I got a question: Whats it called when youre afraid of stories not being real? Also, is there a fear of other people getting mad/ raging? Most therapists dont get hung up on labeling clients, I have a fear of the sound it makes when you cut skin and I can not find the name for it anywhere, Not sure you will find a name for this. Now if a teacher at school shouts at me I would immediately put my defences up until I am alone in a bathroom or whatnot and cry or just stare. Garuda Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. Is there a name for this, I dont know, i decided to coin a name for it because I also have it. Automatonophobia Fear of ventriloquists dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues Its called mysophobia, myso meaning mud and phobia meaning fear. Rupophobia Fear of dirt. You may want to work with someone to deal with this, so you can feel comfortable sharing your perspectives. Low self esteem or self worth may be part of the issue, Okay this is driving me nuts. Allodoxaphobia Fear of opinions. I have had this fear since a child. Basically anything that has anything to do w touching me. OK, so maybe this phobia is onto something. People try talking me into dating but i always refuse. I always found mold a bit gross but I did not want to think my room had mold in it and my sister joked about it that it was mold. National Institute of Mental Health. Like, if im terrified of being murdered by someone is that a phobia? Athazagoraphobia is the fear of being forgotten or ignored, or the fear of forgetting. Again, there can be a fear of anything. You may want to see or talk to a professional to see what is going on behind these reactions. J Anxiety Disord. Singer-actor Justin Timberlake is believed to be afraid of spiders, snakes and all other creepy crawlers. I was recently told that there is a word for fear of women with fat butts. Does anyone know what the word is? (Achluophobia) The agora was a market and meeting place in ancient Greece. just cant deal with them!!!! I have THANATOPHOBIA, the fear of ones own death, or the dying process. Come, on Swift,the ocean is cool! Christina Ricci is deathly fearful of being alone in a swimming pool as she believes that a door would open up in its floor and swallow her alive. More surprising is the fact that these stars are not shy of admitting to their fears. EMDR beyond PTSD: A systematic literature review. May be best stick to the tea cups, Harry! Coprophobia Fear of feces. hydrophobic ), in biology to describe As for is there the possibility someone fears unable to experience touch? Luiphobia Fear of syphillis. Potophobia Fear of alcohol. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. without further info, I could not tell you if this is a phobia or if you just have a really great imagination or if your spacial perception needs some assistance. Can there be any such fear, absolutely. Thanks, Marc Recent developments in the intervention of specific phobia among adults:Arapid review. Is there a phobia for any of the following: It's difficult to say where this came from, but using his theories as a baseline the good money is on a traumatic childhood episode involving a fern and his penis. 2020;9:F1000 Faculty Rev-195. Once shes upstairs, I will relax. I forgot about it when years later I came back to jog with my friend this year and I saw the cracks and a huge wave of tension came to the side of my neck and the back of my neck. Scarlett Johansson is also terrified of cockroaches and birds. ! When a fear becomes generalized, such as yours, it usually has become a bit more complex than a simple phobia, thus it probably needs to dealt with differently. is there anything that can describe this? (Phobia is obviously fear of). Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia Fear of responsibility. If you area unwilling to talk to a therapist, that limits your choices, even if your reasons seem good. I had always a nightmare like my body is paralyzed for a couple of minutes since I was 13 years old up until now and I am already 23. Till now not famous celebrity has this fear of tables problem. Look up the Greek or Latin word (or words) for your phobia and you are half way there. Right now it is isolated to a specific item, which while uncomfortable, is probably manageable. As scary and real as this may seem to you, these types of fears can be released. Brit freaks out mid-audition from an odd power surge on stage. Other famous people who had cat phobia: Genghis Khan, William Shakespeare, Louis XIV, Isadora Duncan and Adolf Hitler. Vestiphobia Fear of clothing. To the chiclephobe, gum is a menace that can easily nestle into any crevice, laying in wait for your guard to drop. The bottom line is we are all in the same boat, no matter who we are. Agliophobia Fear of pain. However that does not mean they cant be treated. Coping With Fear of the Ocean or Deep Water. The designer of the Eiffel Tower, Gustave Eiffel was allegedly afraid of heights. Stenophobia Fear of narrow things or places. Mine is a little different. He is also afraid of tunnels and driving through them. Please let me know if there are other people out there who suffer from this. A fan asked the 'Heart Attack' singer her biggest fear in a live web chat, Demi replied with what we deem to be a totally rational fear. I dont actually fear that these things will happen, but its almost like Im building up my pain threshold just in case. And it scares me . Front Psychol. Enosiophobia Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism. Sure their designer clothes and million dollar accessories tend to throw us offwe simply assume that nothing ever touches these people. Unless you count John Wayne Gacy and his 31 brutal rapes and murders. Atychiphobia Fear of failure. There are many dynamics that could be at play here. Sociophobia Fear of society or people in general. Altophobia Fear of heights. Thats when. Every time I walk into a bathroom with a tub in it I move the shower curtain and check. all the articles on this website are very much helpful to me. I also cant sleep in a total darkness, I must at least have some kind of street light. Plutophobia Fear of wealth.. Galeophobia or Gatophobia Fear of cats. We did not find the word for your situation, but realize most phobia names are merely Greek or Latin words placed in front of phobia. Verbophobia- Fear of words. Without additional information, it is hard to say, but my guess it could be part of the same fear. (Amathophobia) Dylan, I am not familiar with what this would be called. Should he want to change himself at some point in the future or if he changes his desire to have a different relationship with you, it will start on his terms and you can be open to that if that time occurs. It a white wall but it looked like something was protruding out and now my brain feels tense. Do not know what it is called though. Dementophobia Fear of insanity. Numerophobia Fear of numbers. Worst case scenario for a coulrophobe: Is there a phobia for the fear of shirt tags, or labels on fabrics like blankets or towels? Or try to help me. While putting a label on fears can be interesting, what is of real value is knowing how to deal with the fear you have and taking the steps needed to overcome them. While you have conscious awareness of the process, you dont really know why it is occurring, meaning it is a subconscious process. Kleptophobia- Fear of stealing. Is this every phobia that exsists? Call866-718-9995. Tuberculophobia Fear of tuberculosis. Odynophobia or Odynephobia Fear of pain. I have a fear of food germs or just food getting on me and my clothes. Thanks. Fear of road sweepers ?? You can avoid discomfort by tricks, distraction and avoidance only for so long before the anxieties and obsessions no longer respond to your actions. Chiroptophobia Fear of bats. I can watch Easley watch someone being hurts in movie, but every time someone hurts himself in petrified. Ive tried searching it up but there doesnt seem to be a specific term. We risk being the first people in history to have been able to make their illusions so vivid, so persuasive, so realistic that we can . J.Roy Entomophobia is the fear of bugs, but that will not cover your situation completely. I dont know what it is but it just scares me and shuts me down, While this may be a phobia, it sounds like it might also be something deeper, or not, depending on how it impacts your life and how often. In this phobia, the users feel fear of tables. Some are more common than others. A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving excessive and persistent fear of a situation or object. I cant find the name for the fear of being followed or stalked. Which phobia is it like if u do something or for ex if u switch on a button and u think that u should do it 3 to 4 times or else something bad will happen to u or ur family ? Is medication the best way to overcome a phobia? Thanks, Sounds likea fear, but it depends on the intensity of the feeling and what happens to these feelings if you were to ignore them. Anxiety & Depression Association of America. Common Phobias: Agoraphobia, Claustrophobia, and More - WebMD I have a fear of people doing my makeup, cutting/styling my hair, doing my nails, massages, dentists, eye doctors. Here's a little head start before we dive into the trivia: the general fear of food is known as cibophobia. Nyctohylophobia Fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night Nudophobia Fear of nudity. Acousticophobia Fear of noise. That you feel paranoid adds another layer of complexity to this. Phasmophobia Fear of ghosts. agoraphobia ), in chemistry to describe chemical aversions (e.g. Your nervous system (mind, emotions) can potentially link a fear to any idea or subject matter, so to answer your question, yes. Phobias are listed on this page alphabetically by their medical or scientific label. In the dream, I had an older sister (which is why I think the dream was from my sisters point of view) and my older sister was just staring at them and saying something really, really quietly. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Thats spiders right? (Baddest of Them All) Fear of being forgotten / no one caring that your gone My little sister is basically living that nightmare because shes 4/5 years old and my dream was about my mom and dad shouting at each other, my dad too loud and my mom too quiet. Like a fear of losing your hearing, If you are asking is this a common fear, probably not. As Im typing this the thought of bones makes me queasy and faint. So recently this year ive been having anxiety over a few things. Especially like balls or any kind of sport containing balls? Gerontophobia Fear of old people or of growing old. Lygophobia Fear of darkness. That doesnt mean your situation is special or that you have some new disorder. Is this a phobia? I thought it was going to take me away with it.". Anyone else? Dont Panic! Is it possible to have a fear of not being able help someone or anyone if they are in a very serious situation? Im curious is there is such thing as fear of tall men. This may be more OCD oriented than just a phobia. Is there a fear of looking at close up pictures of germs or bacteria? Who is a celebrity that suffers from Androphobia? Amychophobia Fear of scratches or being scratched. What curse was placed on the O'Brien family that would give them a son with a webbed foot? Is there a fear for being murdered? 2) Surgeons fear of operating. When im normally doing something in my office or in my room, it feels like when ill change my position my head will hit any object (cupboard, any stand, windows door etc) that is near, but actually no object is near, even when im sitting on the chair, before standing up i check if there is any object that can be hit by my head, obviously there should be nothing there (at the top of any chairs location) hope anyone understand, and give any solution. Orthophobia Fear of property. Pharmacophobia Fear of taking medicine. The mechanism of fear can encompass any item, subject matter or idea. There are thousands of phobia names and new ones are being made up all the time. Now I am not going to make a diagnosis here, but my guess there may be more to it than Cacophobia, since it does not seem to just be about things being ugly. The Biebs has expressed his fear of sharks in a number of interviews. I fear if someone cares that Im alive that I have a purpose, and they want to help me. You know we're pretty sure there's evil on top of the surface, too, Johnny. from last 10 years i never go out of station, i am feeling stress and sometimes to vomiting before going i cant sleep somewhere else.. fear of going out of station and spending night on some other place ?? Vegas. Is there a name for it, dont know. Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia Fear of spiders. I tried not to think about it until i told em friend my room was messiah but what was bothering me was that stain it was gross. Gamophobia Fear of marriage. It may or may not be a phobia, as not all fears are phobias and not all discomforts fears. Toxiphobia, Toxophobia or Toxicophobia Fear of poison or being accidently poisoned. The mechanisms for a phobia are basically the same, regardless of subject matter. Pathophobia Fear of disease. And I suddenly couldnt take it i ran to my bathroom and tears were streaming out my eyes i was nervous and disgusted but that and I kept trying to stay calm and breath in and out. Others are PTSD oriented and some are just simple phobias. Kristen Stewart: Equinophobia-Fear of Horses. Good to see my bro Nate having a great 2nd career after his NFL career!!

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